


1、So, I need tozoom a bit.(我要把它放大一点。)

2、Also, concentrate on opticalzoom, not digitalzoom, which degrades image quality.(另外还要注意光学变焦,而不是数码变焦,数码变焦会降低画面质量。)

3、Now, it is the farthestzoom.(现在,它是最远的。)

4、This lightweightzoom camera will fit comfortably into a fanny pack or coat pocket.(这部轻型变焦相机可以很轻易地放入腰包或外套口袋里。)

5、Andzoom on the easiest question for you, that way two things happen.(放大对你来说最容易的问题,这是这两个事发生的方式。)

6、If youzoom out at this point, we shall get a view of the whole square.(如果你在此地把镜头推远,我们将看到整个广场。)

7、zoom out and space and time play equal parts, in line with Lorentz symmetry.(缩小时空间和时间平分秋色,与洛伦兹对称相一致。)

8、I'm going tozoom in on that and see what happens.(我要放大这一点,看看会发生什么。)

9、The graphics are easier to view, and thezoom function has been improved.(其中的图形更容易查看,并且缩放功能已得到改进。)

10、You can alsozoom, rotate, and crop your images.(你也能放大、翻转以及裁剪你的图片。)

11、Take a look at thatzoom picture again.(我们再来看看那张特写图片。)

12、If youzoom in, you can see vehicles destroyed.(如果你放大地图,你会发现,一些工具损坏了。)

13、Fortunately, you canzoom in to see the individual lines.(可以放大它以查看各条线。)

14、It doesn't support multitouch, meaning you have to click an icon tozoom in and out rather than pinch.(它不支持多点触摸,这意味着你必须点击一个图标来放大或缩小,而不是缩放。)

15、Jim,zoom Camera Two in closer.(吉姆,把二号相机再靠近点。)

16、So, the contour plot, well, let me actuallyzoom out.(我们来放大它的等高线图。)

17、Your camcorder should have these basic features: autofocus, playback facility,zoom lens.(你的便携式摄像机应该具有这些基本特征:自动调焦、回放及变焦镜头。)

18、Samezoom Level For Every site.(所有网站使用相同的缩放设置。)

19、Same image, differentzoom!(相同的画面,不同的焦距!)

20、Let'szoom in on the control flow of the process above.(让我们近距离看一下上述过程的控制流程。)

21、They offer sharpness thatzoom lenses cannot touch.(它们提供变焦镜头不能达到的清晰度。)

22、During this stage, users canzoom in or out, rotate, or change the lighting.(在这个阶段,用户可以放缩、旋转全息图或是改变光照参数。)

23、Don't copy and paste,zoom down to pixel level to learn from the best.(不要复制粘贴,放大到像素级学习是最好的。)

24、Justzoom-out turn on the visibility of all layers and enjoy!(放大图像,激活所有图层的可视状态,然后欣赏吧!)

25、Researchers can look at the big picture orzoom in to a particular locale.(研究人员可以观看大图或者放大到特定区域。)

26、Listing 5 shows the comparatively simplezoom-control mode.(清单5显示了一个相对简单的升降控制模式。)

27、Most parents would probably prefer a vehicle tozoom between school and piano lessons.(大多数家长可能更喜欢一种能够在学校和钢琴课之间快速移动的交通工具。)

zoom 基本释义


英 [zu:m] 美 [zum] 

过去式: zoomed 过去分词: zoomed 现在分词: zooming 第三人称单数: zooms

