1、I stopped debating on whether to have a child or not. In order to devote more time on my volunteering work, I gave up the idea of having a baby. My husband also agreed with me on this.(最近,我有一个想法:不再为生不生孩子犹豫了,为了更好地做义工,我不准备再要孩子了。)
2、We have a pretty good idea of what you’re doing when you’re at work - sitting at your desk, typing stuff, maybe talking on the phone every once in a while.(我们对你的上班情况非常了解-坐在桌前,时而打印东西,时而讲讲电话。)
3、In 1764, the Italian jurist Beccaria in his famous work "on crime and punishment" to do on the death penalty system is discussed in detail and put forward the idea of abolishing the death penalty.(1764年,意大利著名法理学家贝卡利亚在其所著《论犯罪与刑罚》中就死刑问题做了详细评述,并主张死刑应该被废除。)
4、To test this idea, they looked at six people with damage to the VMPC on both sides of their brains. These people are known from other work to have poor social-emotional responses.(为了证实这种构想的合情合理,科学家们对六个普通人进行了观察研究,这六个人的大脑两侧的正中前额皮质层均受到了伤害,而且这些人平日在工作中有着极不理想的社会性情绪反应。)
5、To position accurately the function and clear working idea are the important basis of going on to do well community work.(准确的功能定位,清晰的工作思路是继续做好社区工作的重要基础。)
6、Modern financial management shall determine the maximization of enterprise value of the core idea; each work should always focus on how to achieve this goal to carry out.(企业财务管理应确定企业价值最大化的核心理念,各项工作应始终围绕如何实现这一目标来开展。)
7、This is true of your work on anosognosia - the idea of trying to devise a set of experiments to determine whether someone is pretending to not-know something.(你在病感失认症上所做的工作都是真实的——试着去发明一套试验来验证某人是不是假装不了解某些事情。)
8、Prompted by enormous enthusiasm for this work of art on wheels, BMW then decided to put its brilliant idea of establishing the art Car Collection into practice.(提示巨大热情,为这项工作的艺术车轮,宝马,然后决定把自己灿烂的理念建立汽车艺术收藏实践。)
9、The idea of saving for a rainy day originated with farm hands whose work depended on the weather.(“保存”雨天是源自农场工人之手,因为他们的工作依赖天气。)
10、And the idea was that gravity did work on the water and falling, and that work led to the generation of heat.(焦耳的想法是,重力对水,做了功。)
11、So the idea that the Biobank will work out who is at risk of cancer and heart disease based on DNA is questionable.(所以,英国生物库能否根据DNA判断谁有患癌症和心脏病的风险,这一点值得怀疑。)
12、He fell upon the new idea and after a long time of hard work wrote an important paper on it.(他下苦功思考这一新观点,经过长时间的艰苦工作,写了一篇论文,对此进行阐述。)
13、Go boating – The idea of sailing on a first date seems like a recipe for disaster but something milder, like canoeing, row boating, or taking a paddle boat out on a sunny afternoon would work well.(泛舟之乐——如果初次约会就扬帆远航似乎的确像是一个灾难片的前兆,不过我们可以换个温和一些的选择,譬如在一个阳光的午后划独木舟,摇浆的小船,或是脚踏船都是不错的。)
14、You'll hear people saying, "oh, we put that on the CDN" or "make sure static assets go on the CDN, " when they have only a rudimentary idea of what CDNs are and how they work.(你可能经常听到人们说,“我把那个放在CDN上了”或“确保静态资源都放在CDN上”,当他们只对CDN和它的工作原理有个基本的了解。)
15、This is the main idea that you need to work on when looking to constitute a good piece of writing.(这是主要的想法,你需要寻找工作时,构成良好的写作作品。)
16、Although his idea is simple, its significance has been lost on most people thinking about the future of work.(尽管他的观点很简单,但多数思考工作未来的人没有领悟到它的含义。)
17、As you work on performance management issues, it's a good idea to use requirements management techniques to help you determine the impact of the problem on the business.(在处理性能管理问题时,最好使用需求管理技术来帮助确定问题对业务的影响。)
18、Thus far and in Scratch will pretty much focus on the idea of correctness: Does your code work as we asked it to and as you intended it to?(至此,人们大都是把注意力集中于正确性,观点上:你的代码是不是根据你的意愿,并按照你的要求来执行呢?)
19、She is at work on a book on the idea of charity.(她正在写一本关于慈善理念的书。)
20、At age four I had no idea that day would lead me on the path of becoming an effective agent for social work.(四岁的我并不知道,那一天的经历会引导着我在人生道路上成为一个有助于社会的工作者。)
21、The idea at the rear of this main can be to recreate the work of walking on uneven terrain.(这个想法这个主要的后方可重新工作的平坦地形上行走。)
22、In other words, the author, the traditional idea of the author -so much under suspicion in the work of Foucault and Barthes in the late sixties — can be turned on its ear.(换言之,有一种传统的看法就是对作者置之不理,六十年代晚期在福柯和巴特的,作品中有那么多疑点。)
23、When I was on the brink of graduating from college, I had this crazy idea that I wanted to be a community organizer and work in low-income neighborhoods.(我临近毕业前有了这个极端的想法,就是我想在低收入地区工作,做一名社区组织者。)
24、The beauty of rereading lies in the idea that our bond with the work is based on our present mental register.(重读的美妙之处在于,我们与作品的联系是建立在我们当前的心理状态上的。)
25、"The Idea of Justice" serves also as a commanding summation of Mr Sen's own work on economic reasoning and on the elements and measurement of human well-being.(“公平的思想”亦是对森关于经济推理和人类幸福要素及其测量的研究的提纲挈领的概括。)
work on the idea of