1、But they are,without question, the taking of a life.(但毫无疑问,都是扼杀了一个生命。)
2、without question, a strong bond existed between the two friends.(这两个朋友之间的纽带关系无疑是牢固的。)
3、They had,without question, the most sophisticated charitable institutions anywhere.(毫无疑问,他们拥有最为复杂的慈善机构)
4、This iswithout question a good thing.(这显然是一件好事。)
5、He had always obeyed his parentswithout question.(他对父母一向绝对服从。)
6、GIVE Steve Jobs his due. Apple’s charismatic boss is,without question, the most strategic thinker in the business.(评心而论,苹果公司魅力四射的老板斯蒂夫.乔布斯,无疑是电子行业最有头脑的思想家。)
7、without question, manufacturing has taken a significant hit during recent decades, and further trade deals raise questions about whether new shocks could hit manufacturing.(毫无疑问,近几十年来,制造业遭受了重大打击,而进一步的贸易协议引发了一些关于新的冲击是否会影响制造业的问题。)
8、without question, she is equally in the dark as to her soul, its present depravity and future destiny!(毫无疑问,她对自己的灵魂,对目前的堕落,对未来的命运,全然一无所知!)
9、Embrace herwithout question and watch your weather change.(别问什么,拥抱她,并看着你的境遇变迁。)
10、Her version of events was acceptedwithout question.(她对事情的陈述没有任何质疑就接受了。)
11、without question, this will increase tension and difficulties between you and partners and close friends.(毫无疑问,这会使你与伙伴和好友间的关系变得紧张和困难。)
12、Cissie obeyed her motherwithout question.(茜茜绝对服从她的母亲。)
13、The explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig last week in the Gulf of Mexico waswithout question a human tragedy.(毫无疑问,上周墨西哥海湾深水地平线石油钻塔发生爆炸无疑是人类的灾难。)
14、The handwriting waswithout question hers.(无疑是她的笔迹。)
15、But right now Sergio Marchionne iswithout question the most talked-about car executive in the world.(然而眼下塞尔吉奥·马尔·基奥尼毫无疑问是世界上所有汽车制造企业总裁中被人谈论最多的。)
16、If John asserts the identity of Jane Doe, the queue manager accepts itwithout question, even over an SSL-enabled channel.(如果john断言janeDoe的身份,队列管理器将毫无疑问地接受,甚至在启用SSL的通道上也是如此。)
17、without question, pregnant women are at increased risk of complications.(毫无疑问,孕妇出现并发症的风险会加大。)
18、without question, your major focus is on home, family and real-estate situations.(毫无疑问,你的主要精力都在住房、家庭和房产事务上了。)
19、without question, this feature is welcome and even overdue.(毫无疑问,这些功能非常受欢迎,甚至可以说人们期待已久。)
without question
英 [wiˈðaut ˈkwestʃən] 美 [wɪðˈaʊt ˈkwɛstʃən]