
win approval造句

win approval造句

1、Progress by developers in cleaning up after themselves tends to win only grudging approval.(开发商采完油后清除污染的进步举动往往只获得了勉强的认可。)

2、Lacking a majority in Congress, Ms Chinchilla faces a struggle towin approval for extra taxes to pay for her modest security build-up.(得不到国会的多数支持,Chinchilla女士想要为她的适度安保建设赢得额外的税收支持面临着很大的困难。)

3、A 20-year action plan for cutting the rate of world population growth is expected to win wide approval today in Cairo.(一项旨在降低世界人口增长率的20年行动计划今天在开罗有望获得广泛认可。)

4、I must do well and win the approval of others for my performances or else I am no good.(我必须要做好并且获得别人对我表现的称赞,不然我就毫无用处。)

5、If you do things towin approval, then you are doing it for yourself. If you are doing anything for your self, it isnt selfless.(如果你所做的是为获得认同,那么你只是为自己而做。如果你为自己而做,那么就不是无私的。)

6、The commission would thus face an uphill task towin approval for a unilateral 30% target.(欧盟委员会争取30%的减排目标绝不会一帆风顺。)

7、Lee got the group focused on writing the formal legal charter that they submitted in August towin approval from Alameda County.(在李的牵头下,他们攥写了正式的特许申请,于八月份提交至阿拉米达县议会。)

8、Microsoft also needs to win global regulatory approval for the deal.(微软同时还需要赢得全球监管机构对这宗交易的批准。)

9、These may be just the opening shots in what may be a sticky process to win parliament’s approval of a new cabinet.(内贾德要争取议会批准组建新内阁,这几个人的解职只是打响了这一艰难过程的头一枪。)

10、The dollar coin legislation is expected towin approval in both the House and Senate.(关于1美元硬币的法案预计在参议院和众议院都将获得通过。)

11、She desperately wanted to win her father's approval.(她急不可待地想赢得父亲的赞同。)

12、The first is towin approval from the European Union.(第一个是赢得欧盟的认可。)

13、So the real question is what would-be manufacturers of biogenerics will be required to do towin approval here.(所以真正的问题是那些希望成为非专利生物技术药物生产者的公司需要做出努力来赢得当局者的允许。)

14、Most remarkable of all is the fact that each question was decided by consensus, thus enhancing prospects that the treaty willwin approval when it comes up for ratification.(最值得注意的是关于每一个问题的决定都是以协商一致方式通过的,这就增加了这项条约在交付批准时等到赞成的可能性。)

15、Public outrage has also been stoked by insurers' attempts to win regulators' approval for huge rate increases for certain types of customers.(由于保险公司试图获得改革者的批准,以大幅增加确定类型顾客的比率,这一举动也激起了公众的愤慨。)

16、"Chinalco is using force towin approval of its project," Ancietasays.(“中铝在用武力来赢得这项工程的许可,”安奇塔说。)

17、Obama towin approval on international trade pacts and tax reform, and said they agreed in a telephone call to look for issues where they could reach agreement.(麦康奈尔还说,他们在电话交谈中同意寻找能够达成一致的议题。)

18、How much more testing will it need towin approval from drug regulators?(还需要多少测试才能获得药品监管机构的核准?)

19、But observers say the chances that Ukraine and Georgia, which has also put in a bid, willwin approval in Bucharest are slim.(但是观察家认为,乌克兰与格鲁吉亚能够在布加勒斯特得到加入许可的机会微乎其微。)

20、Towin approval in the Senate on October 1st, the bill was amended to increase the limits on federal deposit insurance (see article).(为了在10月1日的参议院会议上获得通过,这项议案提高了联邦存款保险的限制。)

21、To become law the RES must still win the approval of the Senate, which rejected a similar measure earlier this year.(要成为法律,RES必须赢得参议院批准,而今年早些时候,参议院拒绝了一个类似议案。)

win approval 基本释义

win approval