1、what if the French come and squish us like grapes?(如果法国人来把我们像葡萄一样压扁了呢?)
2、what if the grandfather should hear about it!(如果爷爷知道了该怎么办!)
3、what if I am a pioneer or even a genius?(要是我是个开拓者,甚至是个天才怎么办?)
4、what if we capture all of the valence electrons?(如果我们捕获了所有价电子会怎样呢?)
5、what if something goes wrong in the programming?(如果程序出错了怎么办?)
6、what if this doesn't work out?(如果这行不通怎么办呢?)
7、what if it rained and then froze all through those months?(如果那几个月一直下雨然后又结冰该怎么办?)
8、what if that dream comes true?(如果梦想成真了呢?)
9、what if someone sees me?(如果有人看见我怎么办?)
10、what if it rains tomorrow?(要是明天下雨怎么办?)
11、what if she forgets to bring it?(要是她忘记带来,会怎么样呢?)
12、what if I was sweeping a chimney?(如果我在扫烟囱呢?)
13、what if the train is late?(火车要是晚点会怎么样呢?)
14、what if she doesn't win the contest again?(如果她不能再赢得比赛怎么办?)
15、what if he fights with Batman?(如果他打蝙蝠侠呢?)
16、what if someone asks?(要是有人问起来呢?)
17、what if I saw myself as perfect?(假如我已经将自己看作完美的呢?)
18、what if it rains?(要是下雨怎么办?)
19、what if Mother catches me?(要是妈妈抓到我怎么办?)
20、what if he means us, Huck!(哈克,要是他指的是我俩呢,那该怎么办!)
21、what if I have questions?(如果我有疑问怎么办?)
22、what if you ask for a smaller amount?(如果你贷款的数目小一点呢?)
23、what if I fall ill while I'm away on holiday?(如果我在放假时生病了怎么办?)
24、what if he got a guilty conscience and brought it back?(如果他问心有愧把它带回来呢?)
25、what if there was no explosion?(如果没有爆炸呢?)
26、what if I forget my password?(如果我忘记了我的密码怎么办?)
27、what if there was no water on Earth?(如果地球上没有水怎么办?)
28、what if someone sells the story to the gutter press?(如果有人把这个故事卖给花边报刊怎么办?)
29、"what if there's nothing left at all?" he cried, lost in some intense existential angst.(“要是什么都没了会怎样?”他大叫起来,迷失在某种强烈的攸关人类存亡的痛苦中。)
what if