
visit the library造句

visit the library造句

1、The mobile library services have been reorganized -in other words, they visit fewer places.(移动图书馆的服务重新作了调整,也就是说,他们去的地方少了。)

2、Mr. Chang may visit our college, or he can tour the library.(张先生可以参观我们的大学,或者看看图书馆。)

3、Later, you can explore the question together: find a book, go online,visit the library or a museum.(晚些时候,你们可以一起寻找答案:查书、上网、去图书馆或博物馆。)

4、First, our host, Mr. Fridriksson, asked my uncle if he enjoyed his visit to the library.(首先,我们的主人,弗里特利克森先生,问我叔叔到图书馆的感受。)

5、But the Publishing Association goes one step further still, suggesting that library customers should have to physicallyvisit the library to download ane-book.(但是出版者协会还是超前一步,建议图书馆用户应该亲自去图书馆下载一本电子书。)

6、How many people attending conferences in Warsaw, for example, get to visit the spectacular university library (pictured, above)?(例如,到华沙参加会议的人当中有多少人去参观了壮观的大学图书馆?)

7、She decides to visit the school library during recess.(她准备课间休息的时候去参观学校图书馆。)

8、On public holidays, junior middle school students, and younger children accompanied by their parents, are welcome tovisit the library.(国家法定节假日可接待中学生及在家长陪同下的少年儿童参观;)

9、Jane austen sent a suitable acknowledgement and accepted an invitation to visit the famous library at carleton house.(简奥斯丁很得体地表示感谢,并且接受了要她访问卡尔顿宫的著名图书馆的邀请。)

10、And, when you can't find what you're looking for on the Web, you don't have to call up an expert or even visit your library.(当你在网上无法找到你想要的,那么你不必寻求专家的帮助,甚至不用去图书馆。)

11、Ivisit the library every week.(我每个星期去图书馆。)

12、This is my first visit to the British Library. But I do not feel as if I was a stranger here.(我抵英时间不长,今天,是我第一次来到大英图书馆,却有一种似曾相识的感觉。)

13、Safari bookstore: Visit the e-reference library to find specific technical resources.(Safaribookstore:访问这一电子资料库来查找一些特定的技术资源。)

14、Thirdly, I alsovisit the library constantly.(第三,我经常去图书馆。)

15、Even today, many scholars still visit this old library for study. The library stipulates that only books printed after 1900 can be borrowed.(今天仍有许多学者光顾这座古老的图书馆进行研究。图书馆规定,只有1900年以后印制的书籍方可借阅出馆。)

16、Currently, along with the increment of the library digital resource, the visit statistics to digital resource has become the main foundation of evaluation.(目前,随着图书馆数字资源的增加,数字资源的访问量统计已成为对数字资源进行评价的主要依据。)

17、He then left the library, knowing that the computer that controlled the security door had recorded the time of his visit.(他随后即离开了图书馆,知道控制着安全门的电脑已经记录了他这次来访时间。)

18、visit the library reference areas or stop by the Writing Center to browse various dictionaries, thesauruses (or other guide books and reference texts), encyclopedias or surf their online counterparts.(到图书馆的参考书区,或者到我们协作中心来,浏览各种字典、辞典(或者其它指导书、参考书)、百科全书或者寻找它们相应的网络版。)

19、visit the library.(上图书馆。)

20、If you haven't read these articles, I strongly recommend that youvisit the library and take a look around.(如您没有阅读过这些文章,我强烈建议您上图书馆看一看。)

21、Visit your local library and borrow some books for the weekend.(参观本地图书馆,借几本书作为周末的消遣。)

22、She objected to the idea that just because scholars do not visit the stacks as regularly as before, the campus library (and its staff) is any less of an "intellectual partner."(她反对那种仅仅因为学者们不再像以前一样经常到访书库就认为学校图书馆及其员工不再是“智识合作伙伴”的观点。)

23、Visit your local library and borrow a book on the subject, rather than going online.(到当地图书馆借相关书籍,而非上网。)

24、The mobile library services have been reorganised - in other words, they visit fewer places.(流动图书馆服务重新作了安排——换句话说,他们去的地方减少了。)

25、visit the library and pick up all of the books they have on a single subject.(去图书馆挑选针对一个主题的所有书。)

visit the library 基本释义

visit the library