1、Would you take a package tour or travel alone?(你是要跟团旅游还是自己旅游?)
2、Do you like a package tour or to travel alone?(你喜欢一揽子旅游还是独自旅游?)
3、If you choose to travel during the peak season, there are little chances of securing accommodation and travel tickets. Opting for a holiday package would make it easier to travel in such a situation.(如果是旺季旅行,个人预定的住宿和机票很难被确保。而选择跟团就会好很多。)
4、Added Hesser, "Really what this is about is the need to offer a complete marketing package to travel suppliers to effectively reach travel agencies and their travelers."(Hesser补充道,“我们需要去做的是为旅游供应商提供全面的市场营销打包服务,帮助他们有效地接触旅行社和旅游者。”)
5、Do you think I should go by myself, or take a package tour with a travel agency.(你认为我是自己去好还是很旅游团一起去好?)
6、Certainly. The package includes air travel to and from Paris, accommodations, meals and transportation around the city.(旅行社:当然。这套行程包括巴黎来回机票、住宿、餐饮及市区的交通。)
7、Research Before You Act - Whether you're comparingtravel package and a la carte prices for a vacation or looking up a company to see if it's legitimate, research is almost always worth your time.(在你行动前做研究---无论你是正在为了假期而对比旅行社和菜单价格,还是寻找一间公司看它是否合法,花你的时间做调查总是值得的。)
8、Also, there are great collapsible and travel bowls available for convenience purposes, and perfect to store in the protective package!(同时,也需要非常方便并轻易携带的可折叠碗,并将这些碗好好的保存在紧急救济包里。)
9、Did Sunee's package travel by airplane?(苏尼的包裹是通过飞机运输的吗?)
10、We are looking for supplier of mini hair straightener (travel). The products and package should be printed on our logo.(急寻旅行装迷你直板夹制造商。产品和包装上需要印上我们的标识。)
11、A Dutch travel agent is offering a holiday package with a difference-a night in a cardboard box on a Paris street.(荷兰一家旅行社推出了别具一格的假日旅游套餐——在巴黎街头的纸板箱中过一夜。)
12、The high price for the package tours in the travel service has discouraged its business income.(这家旅行社团队游价格高,使其收入受到了限制。)
13、A new type of user is emerging, who seems to accept to become his own travel agent and to build histravel package.(一个新型的用户正在出现,接受成为他自己的旅行社,并建立自己的旅游套票。)
14、Mr Joussen said Tui would continue to sell package holidays but would become less focused on the "pure trading bit, " where travel agents search for the cheapest prices on behalf of customers.(茹森表示,途易将继续销售度假套餐,但不再那么着重于“纯粹的买卖部分”,也就是旅行社为顾客搜寻最便宜的价格。)
15、Whatever your choice for best getaway, Travel and Leisure's editors say you should spend lots of time on the Internet to get the best air fares and package deals before you spend your money.(无论你选择什么地方作为休闲去处,《旅游与休闲》的编辑建议你应该多花时间在因特网上搜寻,找到最便宜的机票及最佳出行旅游路线后再把钱花出去也不晚。)
16、While many like to join package tours for convenience, I prefer to travel on my own.(为了方便起见,许多人喜欢参加旅行团旅行,但我更喜欢独自旅行。)
17、The travel agency may have an all inclusive package.(旅行社可能有整套的旅行行程。)
18、Some people would like to take a package tour, while others would rather travel on their own.(有的人喜欢跟团旅游,而其他人喜欢自己去。)
19、In a package holiday a travel agency will book the hotel order the food and charter the plane for the travelers.(在包团旅游中,旅行社为旅客预订旅馆、定饭菜、包租飞机。)
20、No. 1 is quite simply the growth in mobility, with cheap air travel and package vacations enabling people to swim, snorkel, surf or dive in places that previously had no human presence.(首当其冲的就是人口流动增多。拜廉价航空旅行所赐,过去荒无人烟的地区,现在挤满了度假的背包客,他们或游泳或浮潜,或冲浪或跳水,不亦乐乎。)
21、Our travel agency provides all kinds of Tours, ranging from individual tour to group package tour.(我们旅行社提供各种旅游项目,从散客旅游到团队包游都有。)
22、Due to space limitations, this research is targeted at package tour contract that reached between business people and tourists for providing integrated travel services.(限于篇幅,本文研究的对象为旅游营业人与旅游者之间因提供综合性的旅游服务而达成的包价旅游合同。)
23、Travel agents in Gaza say people have asked about package holidays in Egypt’s Sinai desert.(据加沙的旅行代理们反应,已经有人咨询关于埃及西奈沙漠的旅游套餐。)
travel package