1、Once SMBHs reach a critical size they cantransform into quasars, which are extremely bright objects as small as a star but as luminous as an entire galaxy.(一旦超大质量黑洞到达了临界的大小它们就可以变成有着恒星大小却如整个星系般闪亮的类星体。)
2、As with most software inspectors, an XML file is generated that you can easilytransform into an HTML report through XSLT, as I've done in Figure 3.(像多数软件检查器一样,这里生成了一个XML文件,可以通过XSLT很容易地将它转换成一个HTML报告,就像图3中所做的那样。)
3、There were postulations that both wouldtransform into superstars, but that is where the similarity ends.(我们可以假定他们二人都可以成为世界巨星,不过那就是为什么总会有那么些相似的结局了。)
4、First, the resulting DSL's are easy totransform into working software.(首先,最终得到的DSL很容易变换成可工作的软件。)
5、The activation capabilities support having this one imagetransform into different WebSphere Application Server configurations when it is initially started.(激活功能支持将这一个映像在其最初启动时转换成不同的WebSphereApplicationServer配置。)
6、It is hard to believe that a novel sufficed totransform into joyful certainty the suffering of a lifetime.(很难相信一部小说就足以将这一生的苦难转化成了愉悦的必然。)
7、The researchers at University College London looked at a group of cells which are able totransform into different types of heart tissue in an embryo.(伦敦大学的研究人员观察了胚胎中的一群细胞,他们可以转分化为不同类型的心脏细胞。)
8、Oncogenes are genes that can cause healthy cells totransform into tumor cells.(致癌基因是一种可将健康细胞变成癌细胞的基因。)
9、Totransform into Tinkerbell, the talented artist used a piece of pinned yellow satin to represent the fairy's hair.(为了变为奇妙仙子,这位天才艺术家用固定好的黄色绸缎来代表仙女的头发。)
10、In a 110-page manual he gives his patients, he has them select a nightmare they want totransform into a dream of lesser intensity.(在他给病人的一本110页的手册中,他让他们选择一个他们想要将其转化成不那么紧张的梦境的噩梦。)
11、Did Pinocchiotransform into a donkey? Why?(皮诺曹变成一头驴了吗?为什么?)
12、You're unlikely to suddenlytransform into a tigress - but you can pretend to be one.(你未必能一下子转变成一个母老虎——但是你可以假装你已经是。)
13、Trainingand conviction can result in a crystallized habit, which will finallytransform into part of your personality.(训练和信念可以形成明确的习惯,最终又会转化成你的个性的一部分。)
14、But if you fail to strike the balance then it wouldtransform into another problem.(但如果你不能取得平衡,那么它变换到另一个问题。)
15、What could be a tragedy, a life without light, youtransform into beauty.(没有光明的生活该是怎样的一出悲剧,是你将它转变为美好。)
16、My clothes cantransform into lots of styles.(我设计的衣服可以转变成许多风格。)
17、We've all heard about morphogenesis in biology - the way that organisms grow andtransform into endlessly beautiful and varied shapes.(我们都在生物学中听过这个词,它是生物体生长和转化到无限美丽和各种各样形状的一种方式。)
18、She caught up with me the next morning and told me I didn't need totransform into a soccer ball to catch her attention.(第二天早晨,她跑上前来对我说,我不必变成足球就可以拥有她的关注。)
19、Mature and sophisticated business process management as practiced today produces business processes thattransform into complex, sophisticated workflows.(目前普遍使用的成熟而完善的业务流程管理产生了可以转换为复杂而完善的工作流的业务流程。)
20、Ok, it doesn't change into a robot, but it doestransform into a home entertainment centre.(好吧,它不会变成一个机器人,可它确实能变成家庭娱乐中心。)
21、The images fuse together andtransform into other images in a rhythmic frenzy, as if they were moving oil paintings.(这些图像融合在一起,在一种有节奏的狂热中转换成其他图像,就像在移动的油画。)
22、It seems to be about magical children who cantransform into flying sea creatures.(这部影片好像是关于一个有魔力的孩子,能够变成会飞的海洋生物。)
23、SOA transformation projects allow companies to embark on the SOA journey and graduallytransform into an enterprise where services play a central role.(SOA转换项目允许企业踏上SOA之旅,并逐渐转换为服务扮演重要角色的企业。)
24、I've watched himtransform into a complete stranger since then.(从那时起我把他视为完全的陌生人。)
transform into