
train driver造句

train driver造句

1、'I'm atrain driver,' answered the man, as though that explaining everything.(“我是个火车司机,”这个人回答到,好像这就可以解释所有的事情。)

2、Thetrain driver failed to brake in time, according to the official report into the accident.(根据对此事故进行的官方调查,火车司机未能及时制动。)

3、Slips of memory in so many different types of vital activities - e.g. surgeon,train driver, pilot - can have disastrous consequences.(在那些涉及到生命的人类活动中,比如外科大夫、火车司机、飞行员等等,他们的健忘有可能导致非常惨痛的后果。)

4、At one station, atrain driver threw a piece of coal at one of us, hitting him in the eye.(在一个火车站上,一位火车司机用煤块掷向我们,我们中的一位被打中了眼睛。)

5、Luke, who wants to be atrain driver, is so knowledgeable that he managed to get himself and his father from his home in Oldham, Greater Manchester, to Brittany using only public transport.(卢克梦想成为一名火车司机。他渊博的交通知识曾帮助他和父亲仅仅依靠公共交通设施从大曼彻斯特的奥尔德姆到达布列尼塔(法国西北地区)。)

6、The driver shut off steam and put on brakes, the Toad got down on the step, and as the train slowed down to almost a walking pace he heard the driver call out, ‘Now, jump!’(司机关上汽门,踩住刹车,蟾蜍站到踏板上,火车速减慢到差不多和步行一样时,他听到司机一声喊:“现在,跳!”)

7、He was particularly puzzled over the mystery of how thetrain driver had been able to prevent the passengers from getting old.(他对火车司机如何做到阻止乘客变老的秘密感到特别迷惑。)

8、Thetrain driver provided plenty of time to take in these sights by driving in a particularly relaxed manner.(火车司机以一种特别放松的方式缓缓行车,使我们有足够的时间欣赏美景。)

9、Passengertrain driver: Punctually embarks.(客车司机:准时出发。)

10、Atrain driver?(火车司机?)

11、He is also a fully certifiedtrain driver at the Chicago Transit Authority.(他还是芝加哥公共交通运营局认证列车驾驶员。)

12、Rail firm Connex is to investigate how the pram rolled off the platform and thetrain driver will be offered counselling.(Connex铁路公司着手调查婴儿车是如何滚落站台的,火车司机也将接受辅导。)

13、The driver slammed on the brakes as soon as he saw the pram tumble in front of him and fortunately the train was already slowing down to stop at the station.(火车司机一看见婴儿车滚在他面前,就把车刹住,幸运的是火车已经减速准备停靠站台。)

14、Toad got down on the step, and as the train slowed down to almost a walking pace, he heard the driver call out, "Now, jump!"(蟾蜍踩下踏板,火车减速至与步行差不多时,他听到司机一声喊:“现在,跳!”)

15、If the driver gets stuck or frustrated or loses his train of thought, the navigator and driver can switch roles.(如果驾驶员停滞不前或受到挫折或者失去了思路,导航员和驾驶员可以互换角色。)

16、The guard waved his welcome flag, the engine-driver whistled in cheerful response, and the train moved out of the station.(信号员挥动着他受欢迎的小旗,火车司机愉快地鸣笛作为回答,火车驶出了车站。)

17、Now that you are the apprentice creator, do you have other aspirations? Do you want to still be atrain driver or something else?(现在你是创意学徒,你有其他愿望吗?你仍想做火车司机或是其他工作吗?)

18、"We have no passengers. People don't go out or they go home early by train, " one driver lamented.(一个司机哀叹道:”我们现在基本没有顾客,人们不再出门或者早早坐地铁回家了。)

19、We took the steam train about a quarter of the way and then had a driver meet us and went by road for the rest.(我们乘坐蒸汽火车走了大约四分之一的路程,然后见到了约好的司机,由他开车带我们走完其余的里程。)

20、The driver immediately stopped the train and the fire was put out at 5:35 pm.(起火后,列车司机迅速将列车制动,经紧张扑救,大火17时35分被扑灭。)

21、Michael is an engine-driver [train engineer].(迈克尔成为了火车司机。)

train driver 基本释义

train driver