1、For example, the English words "rip" and "lip" differ by a single phoneme, one correspondingto the letter "r" and the otherto the letter "l."(以英语单词中的“rip”和“lip”为例,两者仅一个音素之差,即前者和字母“r”相关,后者和字母“l”相关。)
2、I've given you an outlineto the letter of Hebrews.(我已经给了你们《希伯来书》的提纲。)
3、And we should certainly carry out these plansto the letter.(并且我们一定要严格执行这些计划。)
4、The UWSA did not respondto the letter immediately.(佤联军对该信并未立即作出回应。)
5、But some of the apparent signatories later denied putting their nameto the letter.(但是,一些表面上签字的议员后来否认在信上签自己的名字。)
6、They insist on stickingto the letter of the law.(他们坚持严守法律的字面意义。)
7、I put a lighted matchto the letter and watched it burn.(我划了根火柴点着了那封信,然后看着它燃烧。)
8、When it comesto the letter grade on your test or homework, you might notice that there is no letter. Have you ever thought about why that is so?(当涉及到你的考试或家庭作业的字母分数时,你可能会注意到没有字母。你想过为什么会这样吗?)
9、The White House argued that Arizona's laws conflicted with its enforcement priorities, even if state laws complied with federal statutesto the letter.(白宫认为,亚利桑那州的法律与执法优先性相冲突,尽管该州法律严格遵守联邦法规。)
10、In general, though, I wonder if sun-while abidingto the letter of the law-isn't violating the spirit of the law (of open source and community).(总之,我想知道Sun—虽然一直将法律放在首位—是否没有违反法律精神(开放源码和社区方面)。)
11、RIM was right to respondto the letter, but so wrong in it its handling of it.(回应信件是对的,不过RIM采取的处理方式并不恰当。)
12、Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat respondedto the letter on Israel Radio.(巴勒斯坦首席谈判代表埃雷卡特(SaebErekat)在以色列电台上对这封信作出了反应。)
13、But Loesser was a seasoned professional and he kept his emotions in check as he followed procedureto the letter.(但是Loesser毕竟是一个老练的专家,他控制着情绪,严格的按照流程走。)
14、Add hug and kiss symbols if you're closeto the letter recipient, as this adds to the affectionate sincerity behind the letter.(如果你跟收信人很亲近的话,可以注上拥抱,亲吻之类的符号,这样可以使这封信洋溢着充满感情的真诚。)
15、We are going to execute our campaign planto the letter.(我们将严格执行我们的竞选方案。)
16、Ask your advisors. If the employee has done something legally or egregiously morally wrong, you can stickto the letter of the law only.(如果有人做了法律上或道德上对公司不利的事情,你可以只考虑法律条文。)
17、I'm writing in responseto the letter you wrote to me yesterday.(昨天收到你的来信,写此信作为回复。)
18、When he cameto the letter that mom wanted him to write, she would raise her eyes slightly.(当念到母亲想让他写下的字母时,母亲轻轻地抬起眼睛以示意。)
19、This order is to be obeyedto the letter.(一定要不折不扣地服从这项命令。)
20、Case sensitive : search is performed with respectto the letter-case of the words (default is to ignore letter-case)(区分大小写:对单词的字母大小写进行搜索(默认是忽略字母大小))
21、I followed your instructionsto the letter.(我是严格遵照你的指示办的。)
22、Which brings us backto the letter he sent his investors.(这让我们想起了他给投资者写的那封信。)
23、We didn't follow itto the letter because we wanted to avoid the risk of "process shock" to the project team through too many new steps.(我们没有完全的照搬RUP的内容,因为我们想避免对于项目团队通过太多新的步骤所带来的“过程工作”的风险。)
24、I have no choice but to bother you to correct my mistakes in the material attachedto the letter.(除了打扰你,让你帮我修改材料中的错误之外我别无选择了,材料附在信里。)
25、A If you want to convert a number like 65to the letter a, you just have tell the computer "cast that int to a char."(如果你要把一个像65这样的数字转换为字母,你只需要告诉计算机“把那个int型数据转换成char型处理。”)
to the letter
英 [tu: ðə ˈletə] 美 [tu ði ˈlɛtɚ]
严格地,一丝不苟地; 原原本本的; 不折不扣