1、COBRA: Thetop dogs are in panic.(柯博拉:顶层处于恐慌中。)
2、Top of the list came questions, followed by permissions and information giving. It seems these dogs are regular little Lassies.(调查清单的最前面是一些提问,其次是权限和一些信息。)
3、Flea infestation was additionally among the top 10 diagnoses for dogs and cats.(跳蚤侵扰是困扰猫狗的10大病症之一。)
4、Here are just a few more of thetop dogs and first movers he's uncovered recently.(这里只是一部分他发现的“优胜者”和“先行者”顶狗和先行者。)
5、People favor underdogs but follow onlytop dogs.(人都会同情弱者,可是只追随赢家。)
6、So you can see why David and his Rule Breakers teamwork around the clock to find companies that are bothtop dogs and first movers.(所以你可以明白为什么大卫和他敢于打破常规的团队在昼夜不停地寻找)
7、Some novel part-time jobs related to campus life are emerging in the job market, and it' s here where college students can betop dogs.(一些与校园生活相关的、新奇兼职工作正在就业市场悄然兴起,而大学生们正好可以借此大展一番拳脚。)
8、My family (dogs and goats included) and I would spend weekends exploring the almost surreally beautiful landscape, eating lunch in a grassy field located near the top.(周末的时候,家里人包括我的狗和山羊们和我都会出去游玩,去寻觅更美的风景,而且可以在山顶的草地上享受我们丰盛的午餐。)
9、Just because parents are not top winning dogs or not in the national ranking, is it a bad pedigree?(仅仅因为父母不是顶级的狗或不是在国际级别中,这就是不良血统吗?)
10、Belgium is the top spot for dogs as they are treated as well as humans and considered family members. Dogs are allowed on trains and in shops and restaurants.(比利时则被评为最适合养宠物狗的国家。在比利时,狗与人们的待遇一样,被看成是家庭成员之一。火车、商店和一些餐厅等公共场所都允许狗进入。)
11、And now that they think they aretop dogs they are even worse.(现在他们觉得自己是顶级的强者,这就更糟了。)
12、Skip the tinsel, or move it to a high spot on your tree where your cats and dogs can't get them, warns. Put fragile ornaments at the tip-top of your tree, too, in case jumpy pets try to get to them.(不要用发光的装饰品,或将其放到你家的小猫小狗够不着的圣诞树的高处,还要把易碎的装饰品放置到圣诞树的上部,以防你家的小宠物会试图跳起来去触碰它们。)
13、"It's been unusual for us to accept that they [City] aretop dogs in terms of media attention but, you know, sometimes you have a noisy neighbour and you have to live with it," Ferguson said.(弗格森说:“对我们来说,接受他们(曼彻斯特城队)成为媒体的主角是不寻常的,但你知道,有时你就是有一个吵闹的邻居,你还必须就这样继续与他为邻。”)
14、COBRA: thetop dogs are in panic. The middle management is not in panic because they haven't realized what is going on on the planet.(柯博拉:顶层处于恐慌中。中层管理人员没有处在恐慌中,因为他们没有意识到星球上正在发生着什么。)
15、"For us it's unusual to accept that they'retop dogs in terms of media attention," he said.(“对我们来说接受他们是最受媒体关注的球队很难,”他说。)
16、People favor underdogs but follow onlytop dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway.(人们同情弱者,却只追随强者,但还是要为几个弱者而仗义。)
17、"I don't think a lot of athletes realize how much people are watching them," Patterson said. "people look at us as thetop dogs on campus."(“我觉得很多运动员并没有认识到自己多么受关注,”Patterson说,“人们把我们当成校园的尖子。”)
18、What dogs do know, said Professor Coren, is their position within their social group, whether they are at the top or the bottom of their pack.(Coren教授说,狗知道的是自己在他们社会群体中的地位,他在狗群中是位高还是位低。)
19、website for which reprints of ‘dogs playing poker’ is one of its top sellers.(这样人们就不用再去allposters.com③上购买印刷品了—该网站最畅销的是油画《狗玩扑克牌》④的复制品。)
20、The inconvenience of continual pestering, especially for Columbia’s “top dogs, ” as Foner describes them, often trickles down to professors’ families.(对于那些如福纳教授所说的“学校的学术大牛们”来说,这种持续的烦扰所带来的不便常常会侵入到家门口。)
21、People faver underdogs but follow onlytop dogs.(人们喜欢无名小卒,却只追随大人物。)
22、All this takes money and energy but thentop dogs usually have large quantities of both of those, too.(这些都需要耗费金钱和精力,但拥有权势的家伙们通常在这两方面都取之不竭。)
top dogs