1、I want to take advantage of your lifetime of scholarship.(我想从您一生的学术成就中获益。)
2、Industrialists must move fast to take advantage of new opportunities in Eastern Europe.(实业家们必须快速采取行动,抓住东欧的新机遇。)
3、Over the centuries, Etna's lowest slopes have been shaped by human hands to take advantage of rich soils for growing grapes, apples and nuts.(在过去的几个世纪里,埃特纳的最低斜坡是由人类的双手塑造的,以利用肥沃的土壤来种植葡萄、苹果和坚果。)
4、The government and its opponents compete to exploit the troubles to their advantage.(政府及其反对者们竞相利用这些动乱来取得利益。)
5、I intend to take full advantage of this trip to buy the things we need.(我打算充分利用这次旅行来购买我们需要的物品。)
6、The company is ideally placed to take advantage of the new legislation.(这家公司条件理想得很,恰好可以充分利用新法规。)
7、The low growth form can also permit the plants to take advantage of the insulation provided by a winter snow cover.(低矮生长形态也能让植物利用冬季积雪提供的隔离环境。)
8、It is certainly turning its leading positionto advantage now.(百度当前无疑在将领先地位转化为优势。)
9、A small car has the added advantage of being cheaper to run.(小型轿车还有一个优点是养护成本比较便宜。)
10、And we need to create a look that shows each of usto advantage so people assume that we have positive attributes, too: that we're smart, productive and right for the job.(我们必须塑造出能将自我优点突显出来的形象,给人们留下我们同样拥有积极态度的印象:精干,能力强,是这份工作的恰当人选。)
11、It is surprising that it has taken people so long to take advantage of what is a win-win opportunity.(令人惊讶的是,人们花了那么长的时间才把一个双赢的机会利用起来。)
12、These homes were all built to take advantage of simple, natural cooling methods–no air conditioner required.(这些住宅都利用简单、自然的冷却方法而建——无需空调。)
13、The government has not been able to turn today's demonstration to its advantage.(政府还未能将今天的游行示威转化为对其有利。)
14、Once you've gotten an idea of how color and tone affects your website, use it to your advantage.(一旦你了解了颜色和色调如何影响您的网站,就要利用它们的优点。)
15、The photograph showed himto advantage.(他在这张照片中照得挺不错的。)
16、It would be to your advantage to attend this meeting.(参加这次会议会对你有利。)
17、They are breaking the law in order to obtain an advantage over their competitors.(他们为了获得超越其竞争对手的有力条件在违犯法律。)
18、Hard work is often an essential ingredient of luck because it enables one to take advantage of a lucky encounter.(努力工作通常是运气的重要组成部分,因为它能让人具备利用幸运际遇的能力。)
19、Eventually, the new regulations will work to our advantage.(新规章制度最终将对我们有利。)
20、Sensing he held the advantage, Mr. Danbar was loath to change the subject.(丹巴先生觉得占有优势,不愿改变话题。)
21、There's little advantage to amortizing the loan, especially on a 30 or 40-year basis.(分期偿还这项贷款没有什么好处,尤其是按30或40年偿还。)
22、In other words, the higher your maturity level, the more people you will find using the toolto advantage.(换句话说,你的成熟等级越高,你将发现更多人利用工具的优势。)
23、Once rid of predation pressure, large body size is of little advantage to herbivores.(一旦摆脱了捕食压力,大体型对食草动物来说几乎没有优势。)
24、She took advantage of the children's absence to tidy their rooms.(她趁孩子们不在时收拾了他们的房间。)
25、This is one way to use PHPto advantage on a multiprocessing host.(这是在多处理器主机中良好应用PHP的一种方法。)
to advantage
英 [tu: ədˈvɑ:ntidʒ] 美 [tu ædˈvæntɪdʒ]