
tiger shark造句

tiger shark造句

1、Tiger is related to shark in the aquatic realm.(老虎是和水生王国中的鲨鱼对应的。)

2、There are only three sharks that regularly attack humans. The massive great white, the swift, sleek tiger, and the often-ignored, but dangerous, bull shark.(只有三种鲨鱼会攻击人类。巨大的大白鲨、迅捷圆滑的虎鲨和常被忽视但很危险的牛鲨。)

3、In a new study, scientists looked at the retinas of 17 shark species caught off the coasts of eastern and western Australia, includingtiger sharks and bull sharks.(科学家做了一项最新的研究,他们对17种鲨鱼的视网膜进行了研究,这些鲨鱼被捕获于澳大利亚东海岸和西海岸,其中有虎鲨和牛鲨。)

4、Many a human is frightened of Shark as well as Tiger.(有很多人害怕鲨鱼,也害怕老虎。)

5、A sandtiger shark off the Bonin Islands will soon give birth.(小笠原群岛外,一只虎头鲨即将产仔。)

6、Shark too patrols the boundaries of Terra as Shark and Tiger is one and the same energy field.(鲨鱼也巡逻着Terra的边界,因为鲨鱼和老虎是一体的,并具有同样的能量场。)

7、While there are numerous types of sharks, only four are most frequently cited in encounters with humans—the bull shark, thetiger shark, the great white shark and the oceanic white tip shark.(鲨鱼的种类有很多,而经常被载攻击人的只有四种–牛鲨(学名白真鲨)、虎鲨(学名居氏鼬鲨)、大白鲨(学名噬人鲨)、白鳍鲨(学名灰三齿鲨))

8、The badly-woundedtiger shark is dying.(那只受重伤的虎鲨奄奄一息。)

tiger shark 基本释义

tiger shark