1、Starving, destitute and drenched in the tempest's wake, it is hard to see the Burmese summoning the strength tothrow off the tyrants' rule.(面对饥饿、贫困和风暴,缅甸人更难鼓起勇气来摆脱暴君的统治。)
2、He resolved to make a fresh start, andthrow off undesirable acquaintances.(他下决心重新开始,和那些狐朋狗友们一刀两断。)
3、When your behavior is unfitting for one in My kingdom, do not try tothrow off your royal robe.(当你的行为在我的国度中对一个人来说不合适,不要试图去甩下你高贵的长袍。)
4、That willthrow off your body’s biomechanics.(那将会使你的身体偏离生物力学。)
5、When we commit those errors, wethrow off the biblical balance, distort the true nature of God, and diminish His real glory.(当我们反了那些错误,我们就破坏了神之天平,扭曲了上帝的本质,贬损了他的伟大。)
6、Magnetsthrow off a Croc's Sense of Direction(利用磁铁干扰鳄鱼的方向感)
7、She could now move forward andthrow off the shackles of the past.(她现在可以心平气和地面对过去的枷锁,然后继续向前生活。)
8、He longed tothrow off the mask of respectability.(他渴望丢掉那副道貌岸然的伪装。)
9、He managed tothrow off those newspaper reporters.(他设法摆脱了那些新闻记者。)
10、Any weaknesses canthrow off your biomechanics and cost you more energy.(薄弱环节会背离你的生物力学特性并耗费更多的能量。)
11、He was struggling tothrow off a viral-hepatitis problem.(他努力要摆脱病毒性肝炎的困扰。)
12、Radio and television stationsthrow off loads of cash.(广播和电视台甩掉大量现金。)
13、Repression wasn't something tothrow off, but a part of the human condition.(压抑是人类的一种生存境况,没人能够逃脱。)
14、I bet you I ain't going tothrow off on di'monds.(我跟你打赌,钻石我不会随便扔掉。)
15、Plastic shoes, with uneven Styrofoam pads for soles,throw off my center of gravity.(塑料鞋子,鞋垫是崎岖不平的发泡胶垫,让我失去重力。)
16、Wire buffing wheels create special safety problems because theythrow off flying fragments including wire.(有线抛光轮存在特殊的安全问题,因为它们会甩出包含线在内的碎片。)
17、Was it an opportunistic volte-face or were long-repressed journalists delighted tothrow off the shackles of censorship?(这是投机者的逆转,还是久经压迫的新闻工作者终于摆脱报道审核的枷锁而欢庆?)
18、Sothrow off the bowlines.Sail away from the safe harbor.Catch the trade winds in your sails.(所以扔掉帆索吧,离开安全的港口,在信风中开始远航。)
19、I can't seem tothrow off this feeling of inertia.(我好像无法摆脱这种无力的感觉。)
20、India shouldthrow off its caution about opening up to foreign investment. The benefits would be huge.(印度应该抛弃对放开外国投资的谨慎态度。)
21、I can not seem tothrow off this cold.(我似乎根除不掉这次感冒。)
22、Instead,throw off the unrighteous behavior.(而要去扔下那非正义的行为。)
23、It is our collective duty in this age tothrow off such idiocy, and work honorably toward our intent.(在这个时代,我们的集体责任是摆脱这种愚蠢行为,并光荣地朝着我们的目标努力。)
24、Remember, too much coffee maythrow off our sleep and energy cycles.(记住,喝太多咖啡会影响我们的睡眠和能量循环。)
25、You needed to move on, andthrow off the mindset created over millennia of time that stifled original thinking.(你们需要继续前进,扔掉形成了一千多年的抑制原初想法的心态。)
26、An overly assertive developer can alsothrow off a pair programming session.(一个极度自信的开发者也可能会抛开结对编程这一方式。)
throw off
英 [θrəu ɔf] 美 [θro ɔf]
抛弃; 摆脱