1、John: Don'tthrow away what we have together.(约翰:不要抛弃我们的感情。)
2、When youthrow away food, you are not just wasting the food itself.(当你扔掉食物时,你不仅仅是在浪费食物本身。)
3、Think twice next time you want tothrow away food.(下次你想要扔掉食物时,请三思。)
4、Don'tthrow away your old PC.(不要扔掉你的旧电脑。)
5、I think I'llthrow away these newspapers.(我想我要扔了这些报纸。)
6、Did this attorney mean tothrow away his client's life without an effort?(这个律师的意思是要不做任何努力,就要断送他的当事人的生命吗?)
7、Don'tthrow away those boxes.(不要把那些箱子扔掉。)
8、Did Momthrow away your priceless Dungeons and Dragons magazine?.(妈妈扔掉了你那本宝贝杂志《龙与地下城》吗?)
9、When peoplethrow away food rubbish, they have to pay for it by scanning a barcode on the bin.(当人们扔掉食物垃圾时,他们必须通过扫描垃圾桶上的条形码来支付。)
10、Do you oftenthrow away things you don't need anymore?(你经常扔掉你不再需要的东西吗?)
11、Don'tthrow away your advantages.(不要放弃你的有利条件。)
12、We willthrow away a lot of things as we grow up.(在长大成人的过程中,我们会丢弃很多东西。)
13、You canthrow away any excess.(凡超量的你都可以扔掉。)
14、I should know by now not tothrow away the directions until we've finished cooking.(我现在应该明白,饭没做完之前,不要把食谱扔掉。)
15、I hate tothrow away working code.(我痛恨丢弃正在工作的代码。)
16、throw away your cigarettes - all of your cigarettes.(扔掉你的烟——你所有的烟。)
17、Once you are done demonstrating whatever concept was in the textbook, youthrow away the pipe cleaners, the straws, the cardboard tubes.(一旦你完成了课本展示的内容,你就会扔掉这些烟斗通条、吸管和硬纸管。)
18、Go ahead andthrow away that cod liver oil.(往前走,扔掉鱼肝油。)
19、Don'tthrow away this opportunity.(不要错过这个机会。)
20、That's a gift I won't let youthrow away.(我不会让你放弃这份才能。)
21、I try tothrow away those beds!(我试着扔掉那些床!)
22、Experts expect tothrow away some early work.(专家们希望把自己的早期作品置之度外。)
23、You'd better notthrow away those books.(你最好不要把那些书扔掉。)
24、Don'tthrow away rubbish anywhere.(别到处乱丢垃圾!)
25、Yesterday I was surprised to see Mary using that washing machine you were going tothrow away.(昨天我很惊讶地看到玛丽在用你要扔掉的那台洗衣机。)
26、By forgiving, we canthrow away the emotional baggage we carry for years.(通过宽恕,我们可以扔掉多年来的情感包袱。)
27、If using a portable toilet, alwaysthrow away your toilet waste at a proper waste station.(如果使用便携式厕所,一定要把你的厕所垃圾扔到适当的垃圾站。)
28、Every year, thousands of visitorsthrow away tons of rubbish, such as bottles and plastic bags.(每年有成千上万的游客扔掉成吨的垃圾,如瓶子和塑料袋。)
throw away
英 [θrəu əˈwei] 美 [θro əˈwe]
扔掉; 抛弃