1、France's 58 plants, by contrast, producethree quarters of the country's electricity.(反观法国,58座核电站足足提供了全国四分之三的电力。)
2、three quarters of it is made of water.(它的四分之三是水。)
3、The theatre was aboutthree quarters full.(剧场大约坐了四分之三的人。)
4、This was his first marriage forthree quarters of a century.(这是他四分之三个世纪来的第一次婚姻。)
5、Nearly three-quarters of people questioned in an opinion poll agreed with the government's decision.(在一项民意测验中,被调查到的近四分之三的人同意政府的决策。)
6、I think we've coveredthree quarters of the distance now.(我以为我们现在已走了全程的四分之三。)
7、We were left with an open bottle of champagne three-quarters full.(有人留给我们一瓶打开过的、还剩3/4的香槟酒。)
8、Now, three-quarters of the mothers of school-age children work, but the calendar is written as if they were home waiting for the school bus.(现在,有四分之三的学龄儿童的母亲都在工作,但日程表写得好像她们是在家里等校车一样无所事事。)
9、three quarters of Britain is covered with fields, towns or cities.(英国四分之三的地方是农田、城镇或城市。)
10、Almostthree quarters of the Earth is water.(地球表面约四分之三是水。)
11、three quarters of all newborn deaths occur in the first week of life.(所有新生儿死亡中有四分之三发生在生命第一周。)
12、Nearly three-quarters of the first group guessed that Mr.Williams worked at a managerial level, while only 38.5 percent of the second group thought so.(第一组中有近四分之三的人认为威廉姆斯先生从事管理层工作,而第二组中仅有38.5%的人这样认为。)
13、Three-quarters of Russians live in cities.(四分之三的俄罗斯人住在城市里。)
14、We surveyed 500 smokers and found that overthree quarters would like to give up.(我们对500名吸烟者进行了调查,发现有超过四分之三的人愿意戒烟。)
15、What is known is that dark energy constitutes aboutthree quarters of the Universe.(我们唯一知道的是宇宙的四分之三由暗能量所组成。)
16、In 2014, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development looked at data from nearlythree quarters of the world's countries.(2014年,经济合作与发展组织研究了世界上近四分之三的国家的数据。)
17、Currently these provide nearlythree quarters of overall financing.(目前,这些来源提供了资金总额的将近四分之三。)
18、Demographers reckon thatthree quarters of humanity could be city dwelling by 2050, with most of the increase coming in the fast growing towns of Asia and Africa.(人口学家估计,到2050年,将有四分之三的人类居住在城市,其中大部分将来自亚洲和非洲快速发展的城镇。)
19、Applications have increased by three-quarters.(求职信增加了3/4。)
20、According to the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, aboutthree quarters of energy we use to move things, including ourselves, accomplish no useful work.(根据战略与国际研究中心的数据,我们用于移动包括我们自己的物体的能量中,约有四分之三没有完成任何有用的工作。)
21、The oceans that coverthree quarters of the Earth's surface can be thought of as our great water reservoirs.(占地球表面四分之三的海洋可以被看作是我们巨大的蓄水池。)
22、Aboutthree quarters of all child deaths occur in Africa and South-East Asia.(所有儿童死亡中约四分之三发生在非洲和东南亚。)
23、Hardly a word was said during the next three-quarters of an hour.(在随后的四十五分钟里,几乎一句话也没有说。)
24、That is,three quarters of these stars are digital natives.(也就是说,四分之三的作家都是直接从网上出的名。)
25、You'll automatically be on the right heart-healthy track if vegetables, fruits and whole grains make upthree quarters of the food on your dinner plate.(如果你的餐盘里有四分之三的食物都是蔬菜、水果和全谷类食品,那么你就自动走上了有益心脏健康的轨道。)
26、After some three-quarters of an hour, the door opened, and the Badger reappeared, solemnly leading by the paw of a very limp and dejected Toad.(过了三刻钟,门开了,獾又出现了,庄严地牵着一个软弱无力,没精打采的蟾蜍的爪子。)
27、Nearlythree quarters of daily users are professionals.(近四分之三的日常用户是职业人士。)
28、After months of haggling, they recovered only three-quarters of what they had lent.(经过数月的讨价还价,他们仅收回了借出的3/4。)
three quarters