1、The best example of a labor of love I canthink up of is your own children.(怎样理解“爱的奴役”?我想,最好的例子就是你同你孩子的关系。)
2、The sax argument was Harrys idea, not the last clever one he wouldthink up for me.(吹萨克斯管是哈里的主意,他为我想到的绝妙主意还有很多。)
3、I don't think I set out to come up with a different sound for each CD. At the same time, I do have a sense of what is right for the moment.(我想我一开始就没打算为每张CD设计不同的声音。然而,我确实能感觉到目前什么是对的。)
4、I think he misses her terribly. You might cheer him up.(我觉得他太想念她了。你也许能使他振作起来。)
5、Festinger argued that when beliefs come into conflict with reality wethink up explanations that shape reality to our beliefs, rather than vice versa.(费斯汀格认为,当我们的信念与现实相冲突时,我们会想出办法改变现实去坚定印证信念,而非反过来。)
6、They challenged themselves tothink up innovative experiments for the next iteration.(他们总是挑战自己,不断想出一些有创意的实验在接下来的迭代中使用。)
7、She had been at her wit's end trying tothink up an idea for her composition assignment.(她为了作文作业苦思冥想,已到了江郎才尽的地步。)
8、This flexibility allows development to take place through E-mail, peer-to-peer, and any manner that a development team couldthink up.(这种灵活性允许通过电子邮件、对等网络和开发团队喜欢的任何方式进行开发。)
9、You would think my own father would stick up for me once in a while.(你会认为我的亲生父亲偶尔也会支持我一下。)
10、It pleases me to think of young Tyndale growing up here in deep rusticity.(想到小廷代尔从小在这里过着田园生活长大,我对此感到高兴。)
11、We did all we could to inspire his creative thinking, expecting that he couldthink up some new ideas for the project.(我们尽我们所能激发他的创造性思维,希望他能为这个项目提出一些新的想法。)
12、I think you must be mixing me up with someone else.(我觉得你一定是把我错当成别人了。)
13、Interpreters cannot "think up" words and appropriate expressions in the target language as fast as you can pronounce them.(翻译的速度不可能和你念的一样快,翻译不可能臆想目标语言的词语和合适的表达。)
14、Archie liked to think he kept up with current slang.(阿奇乐于自认为能跟得上时新俚语。)
15、I think that sums up the feelings of most discerning and intelligent Indians.(我认为那综合了最有眼力和智慧的印第安人的观点。)
16、But after a while an hour and a half was not enough, and I began tothink up excuses to miss dinner.(但过了一段时间,一个半小时还不够,我就为了错过饭时编造些借口。)
17、Certainly, Andreessen didn'tthink up using hypertext to link Internet documents.(当然,安德森并没想到用超文本链接互联网文档。)
18、If we wrote, I think he would rip up the letter.(如果我们写信,我想他会把信撕得粉碎。)
19、The capacity of human beings tothink up new ways to kill one another proved inexhaustible, as did our capacity to exempt from mercy those who look different or pray to a different God.(人类显然有无穷的能力不断想出新的方式相互残杀,同样也有无穷的能力毫不怜惜那些外貌不同或信仰不同的人。)
20、Can't youthink up a better excuse than that?(难道你就想不出一个比这更好的借口?)
21、Later, they asked the subjects tothink up words in different categories, such as "furniture."(随后,他们要求受试者想出其他不同类别的词,如家具。)
22、I can set some high goals. God says, "My son, youthink up the greatest thing you think I could do in your life and I can beat that.(我们可以设定非常高的目标,上帝说”我的儿子,你想出你认为最伟大的事情,我却可以在你的生活中做这些事情并且我可以打败他们”他是有能力的父亲。)
23、Tothink up a new concept is one thing; to put the idea to work is another.(想出一种概念是一回事,把这种概念加以实施是另一回事。)
24、One is obviously if youthink up the information with a website, then now on the website, you do a lot of interesting things in terms of sharing enough information.(原因之一是,如果你将,信息上传到了网站上,那么在网站上你就可以做很多事情,为了分享到更多的信息。)
25、Not all of these will apply to any given idea you might have, but three or four should apply to pretty much any concept you canthink up.(并不是所有想法都适合你,但是总有三件或者四件事情比你能够想到的主意好的多。)
think up
英 [θiŋk ʌp] 美 [θɪŋk ʌp]
想出; 设计出; 发明; 编造