1、Don'tthink ill of him.(不要把他想得太坏。)
2、We must find out the customs of other countries, so that they will not think us ill mannered.(我们必须知道别的国度的习俗,免得他们会认为我们是没有礼貌的。)
3、With this accusation of the misuse of borrowed funds, we recognize the strange and, I think in this context, rather ill-fitting subtext behind Comus' seduction.(通过误用钱币的指责,在这个文本中,我们发现了Comus其中的诡异,和其唆使背后的潜台词。)
4、Think of me and ill be there.(想起我,我就会与你同在。)
5、And did Colonel Forster appear tothink ill of Wickham himself?(弗斯脱上校是不是显出看不起韦翰的样子?)
6、I cannot think so very ill of Wickham.(我觉得韦翰未必会这样坏。)
7、My father and mother believe the worst, but I cannot think so ill of him.(父亲和母亲都以为,这事情的下场势必糟透坏极,可是我却不忍心把他看作那么坏。)
8、And Ill think of some way to get him back.(我要想办法让他回来。)
9、Ill think of you every step of the way.(生病想你的每一步的方式。)
10、Don'tthink ill of me, or of him.(你不要把我,也不要把他想得这样糟。)
11、I think that's why there are only isolated cases of dismissals or ill treatment towards Filipinos.(我想这为只雇和亏待菲律宾人的事件。)
12、I think, sometimes the people around us (including myself) always talk about the things of others behind their back or speak ill of others.(现在想想,身边的人(当然还有我自己)有时候老是会在背后说别人的事情或者是说别人的坏话。)
13、So, we have a large number of relatively young men who fell ill and from that, we think it spread into the community.(我们有大量与军人有亲属关系的年轻人感到不舒服,我认为就是由这个途径传播到社区的。)
14、And we think it is very sad that very ill people have to travel thousands of kilometres to go to a liberal country to die there.(病重者得穿越上千公里来我们这个自由的国家了结此生,这简直太可悲了。)
15、But I have to say that some of them don't seem to think their staff can have anything to say that's worth hearing. And, of course, this creates ill feeling.(但是我不得不说他们中的一些人似乎并不认为他们的员工的畅所欲言值得去倾听。)
16、It may be tempting to think that Chrome OS could spell an end to other, less widely supported distributions of Linux, but I think such concerns are ill founded.(使人发生兴趣的想法也许是,铬操作系统可能会招致其他支持较少的Linux发行版死去,但我认为这种忧虑是没有根据的。)
17、"Yes, it's a gift of life, but I don't think any of us would wish to be so ill that we needed a transplant," the nurse said.(那护士告诉我:“器官移殖提供一个重生的机会是没错,可我想任谁都不会希望自己病重到需要接受这样的机会。”)
18、People always think I'm ill because of my colouring.(因为我面色不好,别总认为我有病。)
19、This book always makes me think of my mother because she used to read it to me when I was ill in bed.(这本书总是让我想起我的母亲,因为她曾经在我卧病在床时读它给我听。)
20、I'm afraid your uncle is very ill and will probably die soon, so I think you had better stay in England, until you receive further news of him.(我担心你舅舅病得很重,可能不久就会死去,所以我觉得你该留在英格兰,等待他的进一步消息。)
21、You wish to think all the world respectable, and are hurt if I speak ill of any body.(我只要说了谁一句坏话,你就难受。)
22、Thee phrase is, regarded as enemies, so changing mood, my heart how can it? - casual, not much, more do notthink ill of!(一语不合,视若仇敌,情绪如此多变,我心怎堪煎熬?语不经意,勿要多想,更忌往坏里想!)
23、I should be sorry, you know, tothink ill of a young man who has lived so long in Derbyshire.(你知道,在德比郡住了这么久的一个青年,我是不忍心说他坏话的。)
24、We must find out the customs of other countrInternet Explorers, so that they will not think us ill mannered.(咱们必需明白别的国家的习俗,免得她们会认为咱们是么有礼貌的。)
25、Think about the attention we give to someone who is physically ill and how we follow up with them for a period of time after the initial physical problem occurs.(想想看我们对身体有病的人的关注,以及在最初问题出现后我们如何更进。)
26、The reason Ill be released is the same reason you think Ill be convicted. I do rub shoulders with some of the most vile, sadistic men calling themselves leaders today.(我被开释的理由跟你认为我会被定罪的理由一样,我和世界上称本身为领导人的人打交道。)
think ill of