1、the Great Lakes are famous , so people like going sightseeing there.(五大湖很著名的,所以人们喜欢去那里观光。)
2、"The states ofthe Great Lakes challenged derogatory racial beliefs about African intellect and ability," says archaeologist Andrew Reid.(“大湖区周围的国家向有关非洲人智力与能力很不敬的种族观念发起了挑战,”考古学家安德鲁·里德说。)
3、From Detroit's grey streets to the lovely bays alongthe Great Lakes, it teems with plans for future prosperity.(从底特律灰色的街道到大湖区美丽的湖湾,都充斥着实现未来繁荣的规划。)
4、After 50 years of service onthe Great Lakes, the Benson Ford was scheduled in 1986 to be scrapped.(在经历了在大湖区50年的服役后,BensonFord号原计划在1986年报废。)
5、An important protection came in 2008, when George Bush signedthe Great Lakes Compact.(2008年,乔治·布什签署《大湖契约》,形成一项重要的保护措施。)
6、All areas from Texas, north tothe Great Lakes could get severe storms and large hail.(得克萨斯州的所有地区,五大湖北部地区可能迎来强风暴和大冰雹。)
7、Where arethe Great Lakes?(五大湖在哪里?)
8、The toxins were dumped while an electrical barrier normally used to prevent any Asian carp fromthe Great Lakes was turned off for maintenance.(在投放毒素的同时,一个平时用来防止亚洲鲤鱼进入五大湖的电网被关闭并进行维护。)
9、In Alaska andthe Great Lakes region of north America winter activities include ice fishing, hunting, cross-country skiing and snowmobiling.(在阿拉斯加以及北美的五大湖地区,冬天的室外活动包括冰上钓鱼,打猎,越野滑雪以及雪地摩托。)
10、It's not yet certain that Asian carp have made it intothe Great Lakes.(目前尚不确定亚洲鲤鱼已经向五大湖进军。)
11、I encourage all the countries ofthe Great Lakes region to fully implement it.(我鼓励大湖区所有国家全面遵守这一议定书。)
12、The part of central Africa he was investigating, round the headwaters of the Nile andthe Great Lakes, was the darkest part of the continent's dark heart.(库特兹调查的中非这一区域,位于尼罗河及大湖的源头附近,这里曾是非洲大陆黑暗腹地中最幽暗的部分。)
13、The past year has seen a torrent of measures to keepthe Great Lakes free of them.(去年采取的一系列的举措使得五大湖区这些鱼类的踪影消失了)
14、The residence times forthe Great Lakes of North America, namely, Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario, are, respectively, 190, 100, 22, 2.5, and 6 years.(北美五大湖,也就是苏必利尔湖、密歇根湖、休伦湖、伊利湖和安大略湖,它们的停留时间分别是190年、100年、22年、2.5年和6年。)
15、This small country inthe Great Lakes region of Africa is rapidly earning a reputation as a green pioneer.(位于非洲大湖区的这个小国正作为绿色先锋而声誉鹊起。)
16、They still study the ecosystem ofthe Great Lakes today.(今天他们还在研究五大湖的生态系统。)
17、East to the Atlantic Ocean, extensive trade networks extended fromthe Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico.(往东靠近大西洋,广袤的贸易网覆盖了从五大湖到墨西哥海湾。)
18、the Great Lakes along the Yangtze are also victims of the drought.(长江流域五大湖也遭受旱灾的影响。)
19、Nowthe Great Lakes states are reconsidering their main asset.(如今,大湖区正在重新审视其重要财富。)
20、The billion Indians north ofthe Great Lakes would make Canada a very distinct, very powerful global player.(10亿多印度人会让加拿大成为世界范围内一股强大的力量。)
21、Within three miles of the Atlantic coast, or onthe Great Lakes, stateshave jurisdiction — and some have not even begun the rule-makingprocess.(在大西洋海岸三英里内,或五大湖上,各州拥有司法权——而有些州甚至还没有开始制定规则。)
22、Because ofthe Great Lakes, Canada has more fresh water than any other country in the world.(因为五大湖,加拿大的淡水比世界上不论什么其它国家都要多。)
23、And ships can reach the Atlantic Ocean fromthe Great Lakes through the Saint Lawrence Seaway.(而船只则能够从五大湖经过圣劳伦斯航道到达大西洋。)
24、Hanna furnaces ofthe Great Lakes Steel Corporation, stock pile of coal and iron ore.(巨河钢铁公司,汉娜炼钢处,堆积的煤和铁矿石。)
the Great Lakes