
the Conservative Party造句

the Conservative Party造句

1、AMONG the supposed inadequacies of David Cameron's project to remodelthe Conservative Party has been the absence of a "Clause Four moment".(没有“第四条时刻”【注1】——这是大卫·卡梅隆重塑保守党计划里美中不足的一点。)

2、I think you've just put your finger on the biggest problem facingthe Conservative Party in this election.(我想你你已经搞清楚了保守党在选举中面临的最大问题。)

3、the Conservative Party, which is led by David Cameron, got 36 %.(大卫·卡梅伦领导的保守党获得了36%的席位。)

4、A combination of loyalty and flexibility has servedthe Conservative Party well in the past.(忠诚和灵活的结合使保守党在过去表现地可圈可点。)

5、The election of 1979 returnedthe Conservative Party to power and Margaret Chatcher became the first woman prime minister in Britain.(1979年的选举令保守党再次上台,玛格·丽特,撒切尔成为英国首位女首相。)

6、Is the National Health Service safe withthe Conservative Party?(保守党能否继续实行国民医疗保健制度??)

7、And his old foes inthe Conservative Party are desperate to wreck it.(而在保守党他的老对手不顾一切地要破坏它。)

8、the Conservative Party is getting the support of more people in this constituency.(保守党正在得到该选区更多人的支持。)

9、Such worries will have been increased by new figures assembled bythe Conservative Party on a particular concern: knife crime.(保守党对一个特别关注的问题-持刀犯罪,而新近汇编的数据,将会增加这样的担忧。)

10、the Conservative Party is losing ground in that constituency.(保守党在该选区正逐渐失去支持者。)

11、Inthe pastthe Conservative Party made a mistake with section 28.(在过去,保守党在第28条上犯了一个错误。)

12、It's certainly of mixed value withinthe Conservative Party.(但对于保守党来说一定存在复杂的意义。)

13、Do you thinkthe Conservative Party will get in?(你认为保守党能上台吗?)

14、the Conservative Party is the home of both rural conservationists and free marketeers.(保守党既是乡村自然资源保护论人士又是市场商人的家。)

15、He had few Allies inthe Conservative Party in opposition, but a support base is now growing under him.(在保守党内部他没什么盟友,但是越来越多的人支持他。)

16、the Conservative Party was facing an identity crisis.(保守党当时正面临着信仰危机。)

17、the Conservative Party barely squeaked through in parliament.(保守党在议会里勉强获胜。)

18、Who is leadingthe Conservative Party?(谁在领导保守党?)

the Conservative Party 基本释义

the Conservative Party