
tear into造句

tear into造句

1、You can pull, tear, cut, roll and shave the dough into all kinds of shapes and sizes of noodle.(你可以拉撕切滚或者削成不同的大小不同的形状。)

2、One of the early ideas I implemented was being able to lasso a function with the pen and then flicking with the pen to tear out a function into a floating bubble.(其中一个实现的想法是能够用笔圈住函数然后移动到一个浮动的气泡中。)

3、Your love is the hope of my life, so your everytear into my sorrow. Dear, I wish you a happy life.(你的爱是我一生的盼望,所以你的每一滴泪,都化作了我的哀愁。亲爱的,祝你一生幸福。)

4、At some point, a hosting client will be upset with you, and may unjustlytear into you.(在一些点,托管,客户端将被打破,与你,并可能不公正的催泪到你。)

5、Cut or tear the mozzarella into small chunks and toss gently with the pumpkin and tomatoes.(把意大利软芝士切成小块,或撕成小块,轻轻地把南瓜和西红柿倒进去。)

6、What was thought to be a slight pull is actually a full tear and Owen will go into hospital on Monday.(最初认为的轻微拉伤实际是完全撕裂,欧文将在下周一进入医院。)

7、A hundred yards from the house the smell was unbearable, the garbage-heap stench of hyenas, and he felt ittear into his lungs.(屋子周围百码范围内的气味刺鼻,鬣狗身上散发的仿佛垃圾般的恶臭,让他生出肺被撕烂般的错觉。)

8、tear into smallest pieces any itinerary for the journey which your imagination may have drawn up.(还当把你自己所计划的路程表撕得粉碎。)

9、When modern mammals bite into bone they occasionally break a tooth, especially if they are starving and trying to tear off every last piece of meat.(现代动物咬进猎物骨头,偶尔会把牙齿弄碎,特别是在极度饥饿状态下——这个时侯,一丝肉也不会剩下。)

10、When you check the mail and find a real letter or package from someone youknow, excitement overtakes you as youtear into this rare gift.(如果查找邮件发现一封来自熟人的真正的信件或包裹,在拆开这份珍贵的礼物时你会感到兴奋不已。)

11、If you tear the paper into four pieces, we can each have something to write on.(如果你把这张纸撕成四份,我们每个人就都有纸可写了。)

12、Or would youtear into the Threat with absolute bloody minded ruthless brutality fueled by abject hate and rage coupled with killing intent.(或者你会对着嗜血无情野蛮充满卑鄙仇恨狂暴杀心的威胁痛哭流涕?)

13、No one knows, I just want to face the sea, like a fish totear into the wave, towards the direction of my birth, marriage, children, and soon his life.(没有人知道,我只想面朝大海,像鱼一样把泪水融入浪尖,奔向我出生的方向,结婚,生子,很快地终其一生。)

14、"My first impulse was totear into him," admits my friend Jennie.(“我的第一种冲动将进入他之内流泪,”我的朋友承认詹妮。)

15、You can't have a situation where enemy nationals barge into your country, tear up the border fence and try to infiltrate.(你肯定不会允许敌对国家的国民闯入你的国家,撕破栅栏,试图潜入。)

16、Before youtear into that bag of potato chips, drink a glass of water first.(在撕开薯片包装前先喝杯白开水。)

17、Rinse fresh lotus leaf,tear into small pieces.(鲜莲叶洗净,撕成细片。)

18、It's like you're sending tear gas into their areas, and that's just going to get them spreading all over the apartment, into other apartments. (See pictures of animal eyes.)(这就好比你向他们所在的区域投放催泪弹,这只会导致有害物在寓所周围蔓延,并殃及其他住宅。)

19、I couldn't hug her because I needed my arms to tear off my pants, I was so desperate to get into the pool.(我也没有去抱比,因为我要用手去扯掉裤子,我只想不顾一切的进入到池子里去。)

20、Peel the grapefruit, remove the film layer and only keep the inside flesh thentear into little pieces;(大柚子去外皮后,再去掉瓣上的薄皮掰成小块。)

21、But I will tear down your hard drive into partitions until you cry.(不过在你难过到撑不下去而哭泣之前,我保证我一定会让你们的硬盘被分割。)

22、Riot police hurled tear gas canisters and smoke bombs into the crowd.(防暴警察朝人群猛掷催泪瓦斯罐和烟幕弹。)

23、We can tear apart the great grass cover of the western plains and pour toxic chemicals into the soil until the soil is dead and blows away in the wind.(我们可以把西部平原上覆盖的大片草地撕开,然后把有毒的化学物质倒入土壤中,直到土壤枯死,被风吹走。)

24、Wash scallop and soak in water for 2 hours .tear into shreds.(瑶柱洗净,用清水浸2小时后撕碎。)

tear into 基本释义

tear into

英 [tiə ˈɪntuː] 美 [tɛr ˈɪntu] 

猛攻; 抨击