
take shape造句

take shape造句

1、Each of the twins continued to grow and soon their arms and fingers, legs and toes began totake shape.(双胞胎继续成长,很快他们的胳膊和手指、腿还有脚趾都开始形成。)

2、Her facial features and limbs are beginning totake shape appearing as dark spots indentations and little buds.(她的面容和四肢开始成形,呈现出黑点、凹痕和小的芽体。)

3、Patricia gave to her Vespas a personality andtake shape in the form of different animals.(Patricia赋予她的韦氏伯机车不同的特性,将它们塑造成各种动物的外形。)

4、The spark of life grew and each tiny brain began totake shape and form.(慢慢地,他们的生命之光开始点亮,他们的小脑袋也逐渐形成。)

5、Not coincidentally, cities began totake shape at about the same time.??(城市也大约在同时开始现出雏形,而这并非巧合。)

6、Yet as the nascent carbon-offsetting industry starts totake shape, a new problem is emerging.(目前初生的碳抵消行业开始成形,产生了一个新的问题。)

7、When you have two or more articles added the news.jsp page will start totake shape.(当您添加了两个或者更多文章后,该news.jsp页面开始成型。)

8、More failing tests could be written for those pieces of code until a reasonable specification begins totake shape.(可以为那些代码片段编写更多的失败测试,直到一个合理的规范开始成形。)

9、As an application begins totake shape, problems often recur in various parts of the application.(当软件成形后,问题经常发生在程序的各个结合部分。)

10、After efforts have begun totake shape, and maintain the foreign and processing units and good relations.(经过努力已经初具规模,保持了和外商以及加工单位的良好关系。)

11、How does such a relationshiptake shape?(这种关系是怎么形成的呢?)

12、Plans for our vacation are beginning totake shape.(我们的假期计划开始成形了。)

13、A character begins totake shape.(一个角色也就成形了。)

14、Our plan is beginning totake shape.(我们的计划开始成形了。)

15、If the brain drain becomes an irreversible trend, a vicious circle willtake shape in Chinese academia.(如果人才流失成为一种不可逆转的趋势,那么,中国学术界将会形成恶性循环。)

16、As the use cases begin totake shape, the requirements are discussed in terms of goals for the user or actor.(由于用例开始具体化,这些用户或者参与者的需求也按照目的进行讨论。)

17、Through the series you will see a complete integration applicationtake shape.(通过阅读本系列中的文章,可以了解完整的应用程序集成的实现过程。)

18、Conodonts first emerged around 500 million years ago and died out just as dinosaurs were beginning totake shape.(牙形刺最早出现于大约5亿年前,就在恐龙开始登上历史舞台时灭绝了。)

19、The state machine is starting totake shape.(状态机开始逐渐成型。)

20、I can almost see my father's thoughts as theytake shape.(我爸爸想什么我差不多都能看出来。)

21、In 1912 women's events were added, and the modern Olympic programme began totake shape.(1912年增加了女子项目,现代奥林匹克运动会开始初具雏形。)

22、Here is where the actual wrapping code for the OmniFind repository begins totake shape.(在这里,OmniFind存储库的实际映射代码开始发挥作用。)

23、A plan was beginning totake shape as they argued.(随着他们的争论,计划就逐渐成形。)

24、An ambitious scheme to save pristine forest starts totake shape.(一项挽救原始森林的宏伟项目开始成形。)

25、The painter Peter Brandon never dated his works, and their chronology is only now beginning totake shape in the critical literature.(画家彼得·布兰登的作品从来没有标注过日期,其时间表现在才开始在批评文献中形成。)

26、As soon as some initial requirements are documented, an initial model starts totake shape.(一旦在文档中记录一些初始需求,初始模型就开始成型。)

take shape 基本释义

take shape

英 [teik ʃeip] 美 [tek ʃep] 

形成; 体现