
take control of造句

take control of造句

1、Encourage them totake control of their own learning, and allow them to set their own objectives.(鼓励他们掌控自己的学习,允许他们设定自己的目标。)

2、When it comes to being single, you have totake control of the problems before the problemstake control of you.(如果分手了,单身了,必须抢在问题摆布你之前,控制住问题本身。)

3、If you do, you need totake control of your feelings and stop getting angry so easily.(如果你这样做了,你需要控制你的情绪,不再那么容易生气。)

4、As the Roman Empire grew, the Romans needed totake control of the seas and for this they needed to build harbours capable of holding a fleet of ships.(随着罗马帝国的发展,罗马人需要控制海洋,为此他们需要建造能够容纳一支舰队的港口。)

5、While the lead vehicle was designed to be completely autonomous, an operator occasionally had totake control of the van.(因为领队汽车设计为完全自控,所以偶尔也需要操作人员对车辆进行控制。)

6、While you can't change that, you cantake control of how you handle these situations.(虽然你没有办法改变它,但是你可以控制这些情况。)

7、With AMS, the Hypervisor cantake control of memory allocation automatically.(通过使用AMS,Hypervisor可以自动地控制内存分配。)

8、take control of your calendar, and only choose those items which are aligned with your goals.(控制您的日程,并且只选择那些与您的目标相关的事情。)

9、When smart and cheap devices cantake control of expensive and dumb devices, we will see the dumb devices become smart.(当智能并廉价的设备取代了昂贵傻瓜的设备时,我们才会看到傻瓜的设备变得智能。)

10、Project managers just get in the way and try totake control of the project away from the product manager.(项目经理只是一帮碍事的人,成天想着从产品经理的手里夺走项目控制权。)

11、All you have to do is totake control of your emotions and make them positive in spite of letting them control you.(所有我们必须要做的就是:控制情绪并使它们积极起来,而不要让情绪来控制你。)

12、For example, a hacker could use malicious code totake control of PCs using the software.(例如,黑客可以利用恶意代码控制使用该软件的电脑。)

13、PHP Application Framework that helps youtake control of your online content.(MODx是一个开源的PHP应用框架,可以协助你管理在线内容。)

14、Thank You for forgiving my SINS and giving me eternal life.take control of my life.(感谢你宽恕我的罪,给我无尽的生命。)

15、We can allow time to slip by and let it be our enemy. Or we cantake control of it and make it our ally.(我们可以让时间飞逝,使其成为我们的敌人。或者,我们也可以掌控时间,使其成为我们的盟友。)

16、Goodall describes a number of steps people can take to empower themselves andtake control of their food.(古多尔提出了一些人们可以采取的步骤去控制自己和控制自己的饮食。)

17、However, they're more cautious about sharing information with nonmembers, as the organization guards against others developing the ability to hijack andtake control of their satellites.(然而,他们在与非成员共享信息时更加谨慎,因为组织会防范其他组织的劫持和控制其卫星的能力得到发展。)

18、To thrive, IBM account managers try totake control of a company's IT strategy so they can keep pushing new products.(为了生存,IBM的客户经理试图控制一家公司的IT战略以便推行新产品。)

19、Much better, I think, totake control of your online self, and a blog is an easy and cheap way to get started.(一个更好的结果,是主动把握你的在线形象,博客是一个简单、廉价的入手点。)

20、But undermanned and underarmed, Naw Kham was able totake control of areas surrounding the Triangle with remarkable ease.(但是,人员不足、武器装备不足的诺康却较轻易地控制了金三角周边的地区。)

21、Attackers could then use this fact to overwrite critically important data andtake control of Sendmail.(攻击者可以利用这一点来覆盖至关重要的数据,并控制Sendmail。)

22、As part of that deal, Alibaba also agreed totake control of Yahoo's Chinese language Web site.(作为交易的一部分,阿里巴巴同意接管雅虎中文网站。)

23、I rave about this book because it did a lot to help metake control of my own personal finances.(我大力推荐这本书,因为它给我对控制自己的财务状况带来很大帮助。)

24、Analysis of the malicious computer code suggests it was designed totake control of machinery in Iran's nuclear facilities.(对于这个恶意计算机程序代码的分析显示它是被设计用于控制伊朗核设施的机器设备。)

25、If we are totake control of our anxieties, we must stop feeding our thoughts with negative imaginings.(如果我们真的试图想控制焦虑感的话,我们就必须停止我们头脑中的消极的想法。)

take control of 基本释义

take control of