1、In addition, if necessary,take apart, the elderly should not rely too much on supplements.(除必要时服用外,老年人不宜过分依赖补品。)
2、The analyzer's job is totake apart a string of text and give you back a stream of tokens.(分析器的工作是分离一串文本并返回一个标号流。)
3、Don'ttake apart by yourself to avoid any harm!(请勿拆解内部零件,以避免造成危害。)
4、Pleasetake apart the machine at first.(请先将机器拆开。)
5、Mr. Weasley has stuffed the shed with various Muggle artifacts which he likes totake apart and enchant just for fun.(韦斯莱先生在棚里堆满了麻瓜制造的物品,他出于乐趣喜欢把它们拆开再施上魔法。)
6、Fifty years ago inquisitive children couldtake apart a clock, radio set or motorbike, figure out how it worked, and even put it together again.(五十年前好学的孩子们可以拆开一个闹钟收音机或摩托车,搞清楚它是怎么运作的,甚至还能把它重新组装起来。)
7、Boys are driven by their internal engine, their brain, to wander, investigate, grab, andtake apart the world around them.(男孩子们由他们的内置引擎——大脑来驱动他们去探寻、调查、获取、剖析他们周围的世界。)
8、How could youtake apart a good quality chair in order to fix the dwsks?(你怎么能因为要修课桌而把一张质量很好的椅子拆散了呢?)
9、One day, she waited for her parents to leave the house so she couldtake apart the television and reassemble it before they returned.(有一天,她就等她父母离开家,以便能拆开电视机,并赶在他们回来之前把它装好。)
10、Part four deeplytake apart the cause of formation of the problems.(第四部分对这些问题的成因进行了深入剖析。)
11、If my computer stops working again, I willtake apart it myself.(如果我的电脑又死机,我会亲手把它拆了。)
12、Individuals close to A123 say the company plans totake apart BYD's battery cell to see if BYD has infringed on any of its technology.(熟悉A123的人士表示,该公司计划拆开比亚迪的电池,看看比亚迪是否有侵权的行为。)
13、I had never been around somebody who couldtake apart issues or problems and then make good decisions like he could make.(我从来没有遇到能够把问题分开,然后做出好决定的人。)
14、The next step is totake apart the to get the piezoelectric ignitor.(下一步就是要采取除了得到压电电点火器。)
15、But anything that's simple can't be destroyed in that way it has no parts totake apart.(但是任何简单的东西不会毁灭,因为它们没有部分,不会被拆开。)
16、In the usual situation, you can be found in the next homes card played to order, and then began totake apart, must have two CARDS played out by the buyers.(在通常的状况下,你能够从下家所打出的牌中找到条理,然后才开始拆搭,一定所打出去的两张牌下家都不要。)
17、take apart a television set or a stereo and try to put it back together again and make it work.(把电视机或者音箱拆了,试着在把它重新安装好,让它正常工作。)
18、Young children are curious about how things work. The child wants totake apart a watch to see what makes it work.(小孩对事物的运作充满了好奇,他们总想把表拆开,看看它到底是如何工作的。)
19、We wouldtake apart my toy cars and look at the casting, molding and assembly.(我们可以拆开我的玩具车去看它的内部构造%、部件和如何装配的。)
20、I have got the results that it's too high to ship the whole truck, for your behalf, can wetake apart them for shipping?(我正在向海运公司咨询运费价格,因为整机运费非常高,能否将机器拆分用集装箱运输?)
21、In Chittagong, Bangladesh, workerstake apart a freighter so the parts can be sold for scrap.(在孟加拉吉大港里,工人们将一艘货轮解体,使得每一部分可以作为废品销售。)
22、My little son likes totake apart his toy cars.(我小儿子喜欢将玩具汽车拆开玩。)
23、take apart the pieces before putting the toys away.(玩具拿开前先将它拆成一件件的。)
24、Totake apart, disassemble and otherwise prepare to move the rig or blowout preventers.(拆开、分解,准备移动钻机或者防喷器。)
25、Back then, I couldtake apart and reassemble anything that could be printed.(换做以前,我可以将任何可以打印的东西拆开又重新组装起来。)
take apart
英 [teik əˈpɑ:t] 美 [tek əˈpɑrt]
拆卸; 拆开