1、A 36 bigot is a stone-deaf 37 orator.(一个执迷不悟的人是个全聋的演说家。)
2、Once there lived a rich man who had a young wife, and she wasstone deaf.(从前,有个富翁,他有个年轻的妻子,她是个一点儿也听不见的石聋子。)
3、I'll be out of earshot,stone deaf.(反正我听不见,完全聋掉。)
4、The old man standing there isstone deaf.(站在那儿的老人完全聋了。)
5、Mark Newsome was stone-deaf for the past twenty years.(马克·纽瑟姆耳朵全聋了二十年。)
6、Patient's father: I come here to seek help for my son. He has beenstone deaf since birth. Can you cure him with acupuncture?(请给我儿子看看病,他生下来就一点也听不见。针刺能治好他的病吗?)
7、Perhaps she'll bestone deaf.(也许她会完全失聪。)
8、He had an ear infection that made himstone deaf.(他得过传染性耳疾,以致耳朵全聋了。)
stone deaf
英 [stəun def] 美 [ston dɛf]