1、Unwrapping a stick of gum can even turn out to be a substitute ritual for lighting up a cigarette as a conditioned response to stress.(点燃香烟是你在压力下的条件反射,打开一块口香糖甚至就可以替代你的习惯性动作了。)
2、We shallstick out for every penny to which we feel we are entitled.(我们将坚持索取我们认为应该得到的每一个便士。)
3、When he saw how the Dog was acting, he seized a stick and drove him out of the stable with many a blow for his selfish behavior.(当他看到狗是如何表演的,抓起了一根棍子,把他从牛槽中赶了出去,从而打击他自私的行为。)
4、You like the look of Mac OS X but you want to stick with windows-for work, for gaming, for a deep seated sense that Steve Jobs is out to get you.(你喜欢MacOSX的界面但是你想坚持用Windows系统——因为为了工作和游戏,更为了那种乔布斯(苹果总裁)。)
5、Its legs are modified for bouncing and its eyes stick out from the sides of its head, so it can look while it leaps.(它的腿部做了适合跳跃的改良,而侧头部突出的眼球帮助它在跳跃时也能看清东西。)
6、Many dieters regain weight because they can't stick to rigid eating programs for long: one-third of the participants in the current study dropped out before its conclusion.(许多减肥者恢复体重是因为他们无法长期坚持严格的饮食计划:在当前的研究中有三分之一的参加者在结束前就退出了。)
7、The towers will stick out of the water and be lit, to warn shipping, and also be designed to be lifted out of the water for maintenance and to clean seaweed from the blades.(这些塔会升出水面并且亮灯,用以警示船只避让,同时也能够完全升到水面以上,以方便维修螺旋桨和清理叶片上的水草。)
8、See perldoc perlrun for more details, but basically you should find out what works on your system and stick with that.(请参阅perldocperlrun以获取更多的详细信息,但是您主要应清楚什么在系统上有效并坚持下去。)
9、Every morning the old woman would go out to the little cage, and say: "Hansel, stick out your finger, that I may feel if you are fat enough for eating.(每天早上这个老妇人就会去到小笼子那里,然后说:“汉斯,伸出你的手指,这样我就可以感觉到你是否足够胖可以吃了。”)
10、As quietly as I could I rummaged in the dark for my coat and pulled out my Swiss Army penknife. Its blunt two-inch blade felt about as lethal as an iced-lolly stick.(在黑暗中,我尽量悄无声息地从上衣口袋里拿出了瑞士军刀,两英寸的钝刀锋像一根冰棍那样难以致人于死地。)
11、For the first 28 members to come out of the muck, please welcome, also have to stick to be automatic leave, cause can now only 22 members left.(对第一批进来的28名成员进行优胜劣汰,有请出去的,也有自己坚持不下自动离开的,导致现在只留下22名成员。)
12、They stick it out through the Iran-Iraq war and the birth of two children, leaving for good a decade ago when Ms Nafisi received a fellowship from Johns Hopkins University.(他们的婚姻熬过了两伊战争,并且生了两个孩子,直到10年前Nafisi接到约翰·霍金·普斯大学的研究员邀请之后才告终结。)
13、Theymay be quite unhappy for a number of years-I have not found happiness data forimmigrants- but many of them stick it out, while the unhappiest immigrants mayreturn to the countries they came from.(他们或许多年都会失落——我没有找到移民的幸福指数——但是他们当中的许多人坚持了下来,而最失望的移民也许会回到他们离开的家园。)
14、Now that we’ve figured out the ancient Greek meaning of pneumon we can stick it together with peri to get peripheumon their word for a lung problem.(现在,我们总算弄明白古希腊语单词pneumon的意思了。接着,我们就可以把它与前缀peri组合到一起,得到单词peripheumon——古希腊人用它来指称肺部病症。)
15、And for some of you it will be far too complicated to work out like that but at the moment stick to simple ones.(对有些人来说这样做太复杂了,但是现在坚持做一些简单的。)
16、It will be interesting to see if owners of these smartphone switch over to the iPhone 4 or if they stick with their Android device and wait to see what Apple brings out for a new generation product.(看看这些智能手机的用户是否会转向iPhone4还是坚持Andriod或是等到苹果的下一代产品问世,这将非常有趣。)
17、The good news for the euro though is that this means that four out of five respondents think the single-currency zone will stick together.(对于欧元来说,好消息是,这意味着五人中有四人都认为单一货币区将保持统一。)
18、A drowning man, you will be as thick as a bamboostick out for him, he said, that is the first avenue.(一个快要淹死的人,你将一根粗如手杖的竹竿伸给他,对他说来,那就是头等的光明大道了。)
19、Well, Homer gives us several names for them, but threestick out for me.(不错,荷马给我们提供了好几个名字来称呼他们,但是有三个名字最显眼。)
20、"Nail houses" are the last homes left standing in areas slated for clearance, so called because they stick out when all around them have been demolished.(“钉子户”是指最后待拆的房屋,当周围所有房屋都被推平,它就像钉子般显眼。)
21、They shallstick out for every penny to which they feel they are entitled.(他们坚决要拿到他们认为应得的每一分钱。)
22、Within the Graph view for this particular scenario, two items stick out.(在该特殊场景的图形视图中,有两个项目比较醒目。)
23、Fins on its sides stick out like wings, which enables it to glide for some distance before dropping into the sea again.(两边的鳍像翅膀一样伸出来,使他们能够在进入大海之前滑行一段距离。)
24、For the lazy — just stick out your tongue and enjoy.(专为懒人设计——只要伸出舌头就可以享受美味冰淇淋了。)
25、There are small pieces of metal thatstick out for you to stand on and hold on to.(有许多小块儿的金属片嵌在墙上,你要踩到他们上面往上爬。)
26、Now that we've figured out the ancient Greek meaning of pneumonia, we can stick it together with peri to get the peripheumon-their word for a lung problem.(既然我们弄明白古希腊语单词pneumon的意思了,我们就可以把它与前缀peri组合到一起,得到单词peripheumon——古希腊人用它来指称肺部病症。)
27、The workersstick out for higher wage.(工人们坚决要求提高工资。)
stick out for
英 [stik aut fɔ:] 美 [stɪk aʊt fɔr]