1、Thee Westernstar sign system is based on the month you were born in.(你所属的生肖是由你出生的年份决定的,而你出生的月份决定了你的星座。翆。)
2、What does hisstar sign tell him for today?(Eddie的星座告诉它今天的运势如何?)
3、In western culture, some people believe that people under the samestar sign share similar characteristics.(在西方文化中,有些人相信同一星座的人性格特征相似。)
4、Mystar sign is Cancer.(我的星座是巨蟹座。)
5、Your date of birth decides yourstar sign.(你的出生日期决定了你的星座。)
6、Do you believe in thestar sign?(你相信星座的说法吗?)
7、What's yourstar sign?(你是哪个星座的?)
8、You could be mine baby what's yourstar sign?(你可以成为我的宝贝你是什么星座的呢?)
9、Then I can se whatstar sign you are.(那样我就能看看你们是什么星座了。)
10、Hi! I am Teacher Lovely and mystar sign is Libra.(嗨,我是乐蒂老师,天秤座女生。)
11、Do my characteristics match what mystar sign says about me?(做我的特征与匹配的对我说什么我的星座吗?)
12、Yeah, well, what is yourstar sign?(对了,你是什么星座的?)
13、Some people believe that people born under the samestar sign share similar characteristics.(有些人相信在同一个星座出生的人有着相似的性格。)
14、What is yourstar sign?(你是属什么星座的?)
15、Mystar sign is Leo.(我的星座是狮子座。)
16、Until October 28 Mars is moving through yourstar sign, and this puts you in a very strong position.(10月28日之前火星都在天蝎,这让你处在强势的位置。)
17、Some people believe that people born under the samestar sign share similar characteristic.(有些人相信同一星座的人拥有相似的性格。)
18、Are you astar sign fan?(你是一个星座迷吗?)
19、Hello there! My name is Michelle and I was born in thestar sign of Capricorn and we are known to be loyal, patient, and hardworking.(大家好,我是米歇尔,我的星座是忠程度高,有耐心又认真工作的魔羯座。)
20、Mystar sign is Sagittarius and I was born in the year of the rooster.(我的星座是射手座,在鸡年出生。)
21、My name is Teacher Ninja and mystar sign is Cancer.(我是忍者老师,巨蟹座女生。)
22、The Westernstar sign system is based on the month you were born in.(你所属的生肖是由你出生的年份决定的,而你出生的月份决定了你的星座。)
23、She meets a cat with astar sign on its belly and, more than that, it CAN speak.(她遇见了一只肚子上有星星记号的小猫而且牠甚至会说人话。)
star sign