1、It was up to him to concentrate on his studies and makesomething of himself.(他能否专心学习并有所成就取决于他自己。)
2、I'msomething of a musician.(我有音乐家细胞。)
3、The discovery wassomething of a fluke.(这项发现多少有点侥幸。)
4、He'ssomething of a smooth operator.(可以说,他是一个八面玲珑的滑头。)
5、The topic of addiction remainssomething of a taboo in our family.(毒瘾在我们家依然是个有些忌讳的话题。)
6、Travelling in Europe wassomething of an anticlimax after the years he'd spent in Africa.(他在非洲生活了多年,到欧洲旅行真是有点太平淡了。)
7、Women are stillsomething of a rarity in senior positions in business.(在商界位居高职的妇女仍然十分罕见。)
8、'Villa' wassomething of a misnomer ; the place was no more than an old farmhouse.(“别墅”一说有点不妥,那地方只不过是座旧农舍。)
9、Sarah tells me you'resomething of an art connoisseur.(萨拉告诉我你可以说是一位艺术鉴赏家。)
10、Or is theresomething of particular value about curiosity in and of itself?(还是好奇心本身有什么特别的价值?)
11、There followedsomething of a fallow period professionally, until a job came up in the summer.(接下来事业上出现了一个空档,直到夏天的时候来了份新工作。)
12、The south coast of Spain has becomesomething of a tourist ghetto.(西班牙南海岸可以说已经成为旅游者的聚居区。)
13、Sunday lunch with the in-laws has becomesomething of a ritual.(星期天,和姻亲们共进午餐已经成了例行的公事。)
14、This issomething of a grudge match against a long-term enemy.(这是场与宿敌间的了结恩怨的竞赛。)
15、I have tried to conveysomething of the flavour of the argument.(我试图表达某种类似论据的东西。)
16、He walked withsomething of a swagger.(他有点大摇大摆地走着。)
17、The city proved to besomething of a disappointment.(结果这座城市证明有点儿令人失望。)
18、Herbal "tea" issomething of a misnomer because these drinks contain no tea at all.(花草“茶”是个误称,因为这类饮料里根本不含茶。)
19、Frank Spriggs was a very able man butsomething of a closed book.(弗兰克·斯普里格斯是个非常能干的人,却不被人所知晓。)
20、He issomething of musician.(他很适合搞音乐。)
21、People are making too big a fuss aboutsomething of small impact.(人们对一件影响不大的事情大惊小怪。)
22、Sandman's experimentation has made himsomething of a cult figure on the local music scene.(桑德曼的实验已经使他成为当地音乐领域颇受人崇拜的人物。)
23、Bykov had forgotten that Malinin wassomething of a puritan.(贝科夫忘记了马利宁是个近乎清教徒式的人。)
24、He'ssomething of an athlete.(他有几分运动员的才能。)
25、After the marvellous display of Saturday morning, the remaining ceremonies weresomething of an anticlimax.(周六早晨的精彩展示之后,接下来的庆典简直令人扫兴。)
26、The modesty of the town itself comes assomething of a surprise.(这个城镇的小巧挺让人吃惊。)
27、As Dr. Smith left he said that the inquiry wassomething of a red herring.(当史密斯医生离开时,他说该调查是转移注意力的事情。)
28、Sometimes choosing where to eat in Suzhou issomething of a challenge.(在苏州,有时选择去哪里吃饭是一种挑战。)
29、Electric-powered cars are stillsomething of a novelty.(电动汽车仍然是一种新鲜玩意儿。)
30、Carlos wassomething of a philosopher.(卡洛斯有几分哲人气质。)
something of
英 [ˈsʌmθiŋ ɔv] 美 [ˈsʌmθɪŋ ʌv]
有几分; 在某种程度上