1、That is the biggest drawback tosolar energy, the problem of what do you do in cases where the sun's light is weak or virtually non-present.(这是太阳能的最大缺陷——当太阳光变弱或者不存在时,人们该怎么解决。)
2、Alternative energy sources includessolar energy, wind power and so on.(替代能源包括太阳能、风能等。)
3、They mostly transmit incomingsolar energy down to Earth.(大部分的太阳能都会被传输到地面。)
4、As fall approaches in the northern hemisphere, the amount ofsolar energy available declines considerably.(随着北半球秋季的临近,太阳能的可用量大幅下降。)
5、A surface's albedo is the percentage of incomingsolar energy, sunlight, that's reflected off that surface back into space.(一个表面的反照率是入射的太阳能、阳光从这个表面反射回太空的百分比。)
6、solar energy is everywhere, but it's also quite diffused.(太阳能无处不在,但同时又很分散。)
7、The secret to greener, more efficientsolar energy?(你知道更环保,更有效的太阳能电池在哪里吗?)
8、Called "the Wattway," the roads will be built through joint efforts with the French road-building company Colas and the National Institute ofsolar energy.(法国道路建设公司Colas和国家太阳能研究所将共同努力来建造这条名为“沃特威”的公路。)
9、So the storage ofsolar energy, lots ofsolar energy, is a really important aspect.(所以大量太阳能的储存是非常重要的。)
10、The technology of amplifyingsolar energy can save the number of semiconductor materials required for photovoltaic cells.(通过放大太阳能的技术可以节约光伏电池所需的半导体材料的数量。)
11、Does that mean thatsolar energy can only be used on a small scale, like heating a home?(这是不是意味着太阳能只能在小范围内使用,比如为家庭供暖?)
12、The thing is the dream ofsolar energy is not a new one.(主要是,利用太阳能的梦想并不新鲜。)
13、It says that variations in earth's movements, specifically in its orbit around the sun, these variations lead to differences in the amount ofsolar energy that reaches the earth.(这一假设认为,地球运行的变化,特别是绕太阳轨道的变化,会导致太阳到达地球能量的不同。)
14、Let's shift our focus now to some of the technologies that have been invented to overcome the problem of gathering diffusedsolar energy.(现在让我们转而看看为了克服收集分散太阳能这个困难而发明的一些技术。)
15、It is an increased area of low thick clouds, the type that reflects a rare portion ofsolar energy back to space and cools the Earth.(它是一片变大的低厚云层,这种云层将少量的太阳能反射回太空,为地球降温。)
16、One influence may have been a drop insolar energy.(太阳辐射能量的降低可能是其中一个原因。)
17、That is the biggest drawback tosolar energy.(那是太阳能最大的缺点。)
18、Lesssolar energy is lost in evaporation at the frigid poles than in the tropics.(与热带地区相比,在寒冷的两极蒸发中损失的太阳能更少。)
19、In some rural communities of emerging economies, people have begun to light their homes with storedsolar energy.(在一些新兴经济体的农村地区,人们已经开始使用储存的太阳能来照明他们的家。)
20、All right folks, let's continue our discussion of alternative energy sources and move on to what's probably the most well-known alternative energy source—solar energy.(好了,朋友们,让我们继续讨论替代能源,来说说可能是最著名的替代能源——太阳能。)
21、Then in the 1970s, there was an interest insolar energy again.(到了20世纪70年代,人们又对太阳能产生了兴趣。)
22、For example,solar energy is gathered through large glass panels facing the sun.(例如,太阳能是通过面向太阳的大型玻璃板被收集起来的。)
23、Imagine a world where building the tallest skyscraper wasn't a race of height, but rather one to collect the mostsolar energy.(想象在这样一个世界里,建造最高的摩天大楼不是一场关于高度的竞赛,而是一场关于收集最多的太阳能的竞赛。)
24、solar energy collectors can also be art.(太阳能采集器也可以成为艺术品。)
25、If we could power such an elevator withsolar energy, we could simply rise up into space for a fraction of the cost of a trip by rocket or shuttle.(如果我们能利用太阳能为这样的电梯提供动力,我们只需花费乘坐火箭或航天飞机旅行费用的一小部分就能进入太空。)
26、Plants absorbsolar energy during photosynthesis.(植物通过光合作用(photosynthesis)吸收太阳能。)
27、solar energy, whose time has come, is very suitable to heat water or make electricity.(太阳能的时代已经到来,它非常适合用来加热水或发电。)
28、They block most of thesolar energy so it never reaches Earth's surface.(它们阻挡了大部分的太阳能,使它永远无法到达地球表面。)
solar energy
英 [ˈsəulə ˈenədʒi] 美 [ˈsolɚ ˈɛnədʒi]