1、Below Jupiter, Mars is relatively faint and struggles the most toshine through a thin cloud bank and the warming twilight glow.(在木星下方,火星相对要暗一些,它努力地穿过一层薄薄的云层,在暖色的暮光光晕中发出光芒。)
2、The real me willshine through whether Im dressed in pajamas or a suit.(不管我穿的是睡衣还是套装,是金子总会发光。)
3、When hope scarce canshine through.(当希望渺茫,看不见光亮。)
4、Let you uniquenessshine through.(让你的独特闪耀世界。)
5、Gaze into the night sky and think of the stars as holes in the darkness letting heavenshine through.(凝视夜空,可以设想群星不过是黑幕上的点点小洞,让天堂之光透射进来。)
6、I'm really pleased with the shoe and how adidas has allowed me toshine through their company.(我真的特别喜欢这鞋子,并且感谢阿迪达斯让我通过他们的公司大放异彩。)
7、Put your imperfections out of your mind and concentrate on what you value within yourself, and your beauty willshine through.(把你的不完美抛到脑后吧。关注自己内心所珍惜的东西。你的美丽就会闪现。)
8、Two personality traitsshine through the complexity of economists' regression analyses: neuroticism and extroversion.(经济学家通过复杂的回归分析,筛选出两种个性特征:神经质以及外向性。)
9、I use my unique smile let my uniquenessshine through.(我用我独特的微笑照亮世界。)
10、Then his father got him some paints hoping that Lin's artistic side wouldshine through.(后来,林的父亲给了他一些颜料,希望他能展现出自己艺术的一面。)
11、She has her own distinctive opinions of jewelry design and metalworking whichshine through in her work.(当谈起她最擅长的首饰设计和金工创作,郭新也有着自己的独到见解。)
12、I'm more interested in the cracks that let the lightshine through.(我觉得那些让光线照射透过的缝隙更有趣些。)
13、Inherent talent was important, but it could notshine through without a lot of hard work.(先天的才华是很重要,但是如果没有大量艰苦的工作,才华依旧无法展现。)
14、Strings of LED lights are encased in an aluminum backing, allowing it toshine through the acrylic face of the letters.(成串的LED灯装在铝制外壳中,使其通过字符的亚克力表面发出亮光。)
15、Often meeting rooms or lunch rooms are places where organizations let their personalitiesshine through a little more.(通常会议室或者餐厅都是那些企业允许其员工稍稍发挥个性的地方。)
16、Here are a few tips for workplace dressing that let your personalityshine through.(以下几点关于上班衣着的小技巧,一定能让你尽显个人魅力。)
17、Let itshine through our love and our tears!(让它在我们的爱与泪中闪烁!)
18、It shouldshine through you to others, awakening their hearts to receive this divine gift.(它应当通过你向人们散发着光辉。唤醒他们的心灵来接受这份神圣的礼物。)
19、I'm sure they will match Luton's effort and commitment and after that I fully expect their extra quality toshine through.(我确信他们将非常注意卢顿队的一举一动,因此我完全相信他们能够顺利赢得比赛。)
20、Allow your personality toshine through when you write about the products you know so well.(让你的个性,以彪炳当你写有关产品时,你知道这么好。)
21、Let your company's philosophiesshine through.(让贵公司的哲学大放异彩。)
22、Using tissue paper will produce an unusual iridescence, as some of the foil willshine through.(当某些箔片的亮光透过棉纸时,棉纸能产生一种不同寻常的彩虹色。)
23、In other words, let your personalityshine through.(换句话说,就是要让你的个性突出来。)
24、Later in the week the energy lightens up & allows the fun & playful side of you toshine through...(这周后期,星运转向轻盈舒缓,你有趣的一面会呈现出来。)
25、You have found the secret of happiness. Your kind gestures willshine through those who meet you.(你已经找到了快乐的秘诀,你善良的心会照亮你身边的每一个人。)
26、We are experienced enough to know that as we get more games under our belt, our qualities willshine through.(我们有足够的经验知道自己还得有几场比赛才能完全进入状态。)
27、You can let your personalityshine through!(你可以让你的人格彪炳!)
shine through