
settle for造句

settle for造句

1、Is there any reason to expect that Japan willsettle for anything less?(有什么理由指望日本满足于次等地位?)

2、And don'tsettle for just a job.(不要单为了一份工作而去将就自己。)

3、Do you think China willsettle for anything less than being treated as equal?(你认为不把中国当作有实力的对手来看待,它会甘心么?(你认为中国甘心低人一等么?))

4、“Work hard, don’t compromise, neversettle for the easy deal, ” Pam said.(“努力干吧,不要妥协,绝不要满足不费吹灰之力的交易,”帕姆说。)

5、But the mind is sloppy and willsettle for good enough.(不过,大脑是马虎草率的,会勉强接受足够好的表现。)

6、They refused tosettle for a promise of jam tomorrow.(他们并不满足于那些美好未来的空话。)

7、Does anyone think that China willsettle for anything less?(有人会认为中国将满足于次等的地位?)

8、We may want peace and prosperity, but most wouldsettle for simple integrity.(和平与繁荣是我们期待的,但提到正直时,统统都往后靠。)

9、Whysettle for reality when you can augment it?(当我们能增大化现实的时候,我们又为什么要满足于现实呢?)

10、In the end they had tosettle for a draw.(最后,他们只好接受平局的结果。)

11、Virginia was a perfectionist. She was just not prepared tosettle for anything mediocre.(弗吉尼娅是个完美主义者。她就是无法勉强接受任何平庸的东西。)

12、I'd thought I couldsettle for the life he made for me.(我原以为能够接受他给我安排的生活,但是你叫我怎么办呢?)

13、Some will have tosettle for considerably less pay.(一些人最后不得不接受薪酬大幅降低的职位。)

14、They don't have to alwayssettle for suboptimal.(他们不用总是用次优的方案解决问题。)

15、Indeed, they don't have tosettle for models at all.(事实上,它们根本不需要模型。)

16、Isettle for no less.(我决不降低要求。)

17、Time may only allow you tosettle for reading advice, not implementing it.(时间也许只够你去阅读建议,而不够你把这些建议用来付诸实践。)

18、I couldn't afford the house I really wanted, so I had tosettle for second best.(我真心想要的房子我买不起,所以只得退而求其次了。)

19、Will they try to change the world, or simplysettle for enjoying themselves?(他们会尝试改变世界吗?还是简单停留于自我满足?)

20、Don'tsettle for anything less than exclusivity.(不要满足于任何排他要求。)

21、The letter mentions 20,000 pounds, but I don't know if they mightsettle for us.(信上提到2万英镑,但我不知道他们能否接受我们的条件。)

22、On a long train ride, people get on and off andsettle for a while.(在长途火车旅途中,人们上上下下,在车上停留一段时间。)

23、I am not prepared to see children in some parts of this country having tosettle for a second-class education.(我不愿看到在这个国家部分地区的儿童们只能勉强接受次等的教育。)

24、Life is too short tosettle for anything less than passionate.(人生很短暂,除了做你热衷的事情其它任何都不足以完成。)

25、Sometimes distributors don't want tosettle for equal treatment.(有时候发行方并不希望平等待遇。)

26、They have already declared their intention to fight on rather thansettle for half-measures.(他们已经宣布要继续战斗,而不是半途而废。)

27、Would yousettle for someone who has children?(你接受已有小孩的人吗?)

28、settle for nothing less.(解决不能低于此。)

29、Whysettle for less?(为什么要降低目标呢。)

30、Until then, we'llsettle for elite airmen embracing their superhero status.(在这之前,我们将让这些精英飞人们继续做他们的超级英雄吧。)

settle for 基本释义

settle for

英 [ˈsetl fɔ:] 美 [ˈsɛtl fɔr] 

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