
set forth造句

set forth造句

1、Because the amendment tries to govern social behavior, he said, "some details cannot beset forth very clearly."(他还说,由于这一修正案针对的是一项社会行为,一些细节不可能描述的很详尽。)

2、The woman set down her bag andset forth her purpose in coming.(这名妇女放下她的包后阐明了她的来意。)

3、And yes, it is as stupid asset forth in Aristophanes or Euripides.(同样,历史如同阿里·斯托芬或是欧里庇得斯所论述的那样愚蠢。)

4、Areset forth in detail in the regulations of the Federal Reserve System.(在联邦储备系统中的规定十分详尽。)

5、Then she had her mutilated arms tied to her back, and at sunrise sheset forth, walking the entire day until it was night.(她请人将她残废的手绑到身后,等太阳升起来的时候,便出发了。)

6、The argumentset forth in his article was riddled violently.(他的文章中的论点受到猛烈的攻击。)

7、the relevant mattersset forth in the partnership agreement.(依照合伙协议约定的有关事项。)

8、One,set forth by Aristotle in the fourth century B.C., sees humans as naturally imitative—as taking pleasure in imitating persons, things, and actions and in seeing such imitations.(亚里士多德在公元前4世纪提出的一个理论认为,人是天生的模仿者——即从模仿他人、事物和行为和观看这些模仿中获得乐趣。)

9、The principlesset forth in the previous section make a lot of sense for stuff that's already available as computer data.(前一节介绍的原则对于已经作为计算机数据提供的数据非常有意义。)

10、This document attempts toset forth your wishes for different medical scenarios.(这份文件提出了对不同医疗方案的解决决定。)

11、The JDBC 3.0 specification isset forth primarily to round out the feature set of prior JDBC specifications.(设计JDBC3.0规范的初衷主要是让原先的JDBC规范下的功能更加完美。)

12、Each sideset forth its position on this question.(各方阐述了自己对这一问题的立场。)

13、If you looked at the schedule Iset forth.(如果你看看我制定的进度表。)

14、Uptime availability begins to slide down from the guaranteed levelset forth in a service level agreement (SLA).(正常运行时间开始下降会降低到服务水平协议(SLA)上所规定的保证水平之下。)

15、Heset forth from the Canaries in a rubber dinghy, with all food on board locked away.(他乘坐一艘橡皮艇从西拔牙的加纳丽群岛出发,把船上携带的食品锁了起来。)

16、The CTF supports those countries that are still backing the renewable energy plans theyset forth.(清洁技术基金支持那些仍然推动其已制定的可再生能源计划的国家。)

17、The Presidentset forth his views in a television broadcast.(总统在电视讲话中阐述了自己的观点。)

18、When he had made answer to Croesus in wordslike these, they afterwardsset forth provided with chosen young men andwith dogs.(当他用这样的话回答了克洛伊斯之后,他们就安排好人员和猎狗,动身出发了。)

19、What comes to the Faith Council is advancing some of the priority areas that the President hasset forth, one of which is interfaith cooperation.(信仰委员会正在推进总统提出的一些优先领域,其中之一是跨信仰合作。)

20、Theyset forth at dawn.(他们在黎明时出发。)

21、The targets for saving energy and reducing pollutant emissions wereset forth in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan.(“十一五”规划提出了节能降耗和污染减排目标,并作为约束性指标。)

22、At these minor milestones, progress is assessed against the goals and objectivesset forth by the team in the iteration plan.(在这些局部的里程碑上,要根据目的和目标集由团队评估迭代计划中的进展。)

set forth 基本释义

set forth

英 [set fɔ:θ] 美 [sɛt fɔrθ] 
