1、Expect toserve up rice-paper rolls and marinated beef, decorated with a pineapple boat.(希望最后能呈上纸米卷和卤水牛肉,再用菠萝船装饰。)
2、Daniel: Why do theyserve up the noodles first?(丹尼尔:为什么他们先上面条啊?)
3、Every now and then the broker wouldserve up an allocation to a hot IPO to justify his services.(经纪公司也会时不时地在配置里加入某只热门的新上市股票,以此向投资者表明他的服务是物有所值。)
4、I show how toserve up word information on the Web in HTML and XML forms.(我将说明如何以html和XML的形式在Web上提供单词信息。)
5、Others plan toserve up more business in Russia and elsewhere in Europe.(而其他的企业计划将更多的事务放在俄罗斯以及欧洲的其他地方。)
6、Soserve up dinner on blue plates, dress in blue while you eat, and cover your table with a blue tablecloth.(所以,用蓝色的盘子吃饭,就餐时穿着蓝色的衣服,餐桌上铺着蓝色的桌布,这些都很有用。)
7、I'm going to use the public-read option so I can use Amazon S3 toserve up my images.(我将使用公有可读选项,以便使用Amazons3来提供图像。)
8、Tip:serve up fresh fruit or cheese as a dessert substitute.(小贴士:将新鲜水果或者奶酪当做甜食的替代品。)
9、Now imagine someone in the world asks if you canserve up that same list in XML.(现在假设某个人问您是否能以xml的形式提供同样的列表。)
10、When you view it like this, you're much less likely toserve up unhealthy options.(当你也这样认为的时候,你就不太可能去选择那些不健康的食物。)
11、As clients make requests for Web pages, a farm of servers canserve up the necessary content.(当客户机发出对web页面的请求时,服务器农场(farmofserver)可以提供所需的内容。)
12、But Web sites and blogs don'tserve up the most influential rumors.(但是网页和博客不是最有影响力的谣言创造者。)
13、Throughout their brief history, browsers have basically done just one thing:serve up pages of information for people to read.(纵观其简史,浏览器基本上只做了一件事:提供网页信息供人阅读。)
14、Breweries too are using production leftovers toserve up alternative fuel, and not just to fuel a night of debauchery.(酿酒厂也正将酿酒剩余的残渣作为生产替代性能源的原料来源,而不仅仅是供人饮用。)
15、Create the web.xml file shown in Listing 1 under the WEB-INF directory so you canserve up static file content from the WAR.(在web-INF目录下创建如清单1所示的web.xml文件,这样就可以提供来自WAR的静态文件内容。)
16、We were able to stream our music, access our photos, andserve up a simple website.(我们能够分享音乐,访问我们的照片,甚至能提供一个简单的网站。)
17、Success authors usuallyserve up vivid stories about how exceptional businesspeople stamped their personalities on a company or rescued it from a life-threatening crisis.(成功的作家通常会生动地讲述杰出的商人如何在一家公司打上他们个性的烙印,或如何将公司从危及生命的危机中拯救出来。)
18、Presently the bird came in and wanted toserve up the dinner, but he could nowhere see the cook.(不一会儿,鸟儿飞了进来,想要把饭端上来,但是他找不到厨师。)
19、You can use this information toserve up content that's customized for the device.(可以利用这个信息来提供为设备定制的内容。)
20、IIS will notserve up a file that is not present, so your handler will never fire if the update path is invalid.(IIS不能处理未在列表中的文件,所以如果更新路径无效的话你的处理器将永远不会触发。)
21、If you are unable toserve up content, please check the configuration changes you made earlier.(如果您不能提供内容,请检查您前面做出的配置更改。)
22、serve up the image.(显示这个图像。)
23、Reality showsserve up juicy drama out of human shortcomings.(现实社会上演了一出又一出揭示人性弱点的肥皂剧。)
24、If you do this, the Web server willserve up all the content of the WAR without interpretation.(如果您这样做,Web服务器将不加解释地提供WAR的所有内容。)
25、Apps that are aware of the context in which they are being used willserve up better filtered information.(情景感知应用可以更好的过滤信息。)
26、mkvdev: This command manages the virtual devices that you create andserve up to the VIO client LPARs.(mkvdev:这个命令对您创建并为VIO客户机LPAR服务的虚拟设备进行管理。)
27、So, what healthy snacks can youserve up, that your children will enjoy?(因此,你可以为孩子们准备哪些健康的零食,同时他们也会喜欢呢?)
28、"Yes, sir, I will soonserve up," answered Gretel.(“好的,先生,我马上就上菜。”格蕾特回答。)
29、You should break long Web pages into two or three pages when youserve up mobile content.(当为移动设备提供内容时,要将网页分割为2到3页。)
serve up
英 [sə:v ʌp] 美 [sɚv ʌp]