


1、Shall Iserve?(现在上菜好吗?)

2、He minced over toserve us.(他迈着碎步过来招待我们。)

3、They didn't want me toserve out my notice.(他们想不等我干到约定的离职时间就要我走。)

4、They take pains to hire people whose personalities predispose them toserve customers well.(他们煞费苦心雇用那些具备把顾客服务好的个性的人。)

5、The only problem here is that they don'tserve beer - only wine and spirits.(这儿惟一的问题是他们不供应啤酒——只供应葡萄酒和烈酒。)

6、These experimentsserve no useful purpose.(这些实验没有任何实际意义。)

7、A Catalan speciality is toserve salt cod cold.(加泰罗尼亚的一道特色菜是冷食咸鳕鱼。)

8、There are only 35 staff toserve 30,000-plus customers.(只有35名员工为3万多位顾客服务。)

9、What time do youserve dinner?(你们什么时候供应主餐?)

10、I've been practising myserve for weeks.(我练发球有好几周了。)

11、The sofa willserve as a bed for a night or two.(沙发可以当床凑合一两夜。)

12、Do youserve bar snacks?(你这儿卖不卖快餐?)

13、He was egocentric, a man of impulse who expected those around him toserve him.(他自我中心,易冲动,希望周围的人为他服务。)

14、Theyserve good pub grub there.(他们那儿供应上好的酒吧食物。)

15、Theyserve the most delicious roast beef.(他们做最美味的烤牛肉。)

16、His secondserve clipped the net.(他的第2次发球擦到了球网。)

17、How can we bestserve the needs of future generations?(我们怎样才最能满足后代子孙的需要?)

18、A district shouldserve its clientele, namely students, staff, and parents.(一个学区应该服务于其主顾,即学生、教职员工和家长。)

19、They were willing toserve the fatherland in its hour of need.(他们愿意在祖国需要时为祖国服务。)

20、This dish willserve four hungry people.(这盘菜够四个挨饿的人吃。)

21、Weserve hot and cold lunches.(我们供应冷热午餐。)

22、The police have been unable toserve a summons on him.(警方一直无法把传票送达他本人。)

23、Local councillors have a duty toserve the community.(地方议员有义务为社区服务。)

24、It is an offence toserve alcohol to minors.(向未成年人提供含酒精的饮料是违法的。)

25、The centre willserve the whole community.(这个中心将为整个社区提供服务。)

26、The judge recommended that heserve 20 years in prison.(法官建议判他入狱服刑20年。)

27、Herserve was just in.(她发的球刚好落在界内。)

28、Theyserve good French cooking.(他们供应美味的法国菜。)

29、His powerfulserve was too much for the defending champion.(他有力的发球使卫冕冠军难以招架。)

serve 基本释义


英 [sɜ:v] 美 [sɜ:rv] 

过去式: served 过去分词: served 现在分词: serving 第三人称单数: serves

v.服务;侍候;担任;可作 ... 用;度过;对待
