1、The industrial control system security market is growing quickly, and now, as part of Belden, we will be able to truly seize the opportunity.(工业控制系统安全市场正在迅速增长,现在,作为百通的一部分,我们将真正能够抓住这个机遇。)
2、On the battlefield of energy we can win for our nation a new confidence, and we can seize control again of our common destiny.(在资源的战场上我们能够为我们国家赢得一个新的信心,并且我们能够再次掌握和支配我们的共同命运。)
3、They did everything toseize control of the town council.(他们想尽一切办法夺取对镇议会的控制。)
4、Because of the fact that the programme is flexible and is not easy to control, it is very difficult to seize the quality of the programme.(由于这类节目的灵活性和不易控制性,致使节目质量很难把握。)
5、Don't unilaterallyseize control of a bigger job, but do take the initiative to work beyond the scope of your current job.(不要单方面地夺走一个更大职务的控制权,但你可以主动承担一些当前工作范围之外的责任。)
6、Toseize control of an airplane, boat, automobile, etc.(强行控制飞机、船只、车辆等。)
7、To be humiliated by her Roman enemy or toseize control of the only power she has left, to end her life.(是被罗马敌人羞辱还是用她手中仅存的力量来结束自己的生命。)
8、The flexible using of techniques over settled tactics is the foundation of transition, take the initiative, seize the opportunity and control the situation under each ball scoring rule.(技术在战术的固定模式之上灵活运用是每球得分制下化守为攻、争取主动、把握战机、掌控局势的基础。)
9、In general, their goal is typically very simple, considering their technical experience: toseize control of a system or group of systems using the quickest and easiest techniques available.(总的来说,根据他们的技术经验,他们的目标通常很简单:使用最快最简单的技术获得对单个或一组系统的控制。)
10、Transfer pricing of transitional corporation aims to optimize capital allocation, to avoid tax and regulation from the host country and international financial risks, and to seize and control market.(跨国公司转移定价是为了优化资金配置、规避税负、规避东道国的各种管制、规避国际金融风险以及争夺、控制市场。)
11、What's more, shareholders TeliaSonera AB from Sweden and Altimo from Russia tried toseize control of the telecom company from the main Turkish shareholder, Cukurova Holding, several weeks ago.(另外,几周前,瑞典股东移动运营商TeliaSoneraAB和俄罗斯股东电信控股公司Altimo试图从土耳其大股东CukurovaHolding手中夺取Turkcell的掌控权。)
12、He'll use the invasive components toseize control of the ship.(它会利用入侵的部分来夺取这艘船。)
13、The bubble is about burst, and we are urging allies to seize the opportunity to bring an end to the control of the dark Ones.(气泡快要爆裂,我们正敦促盟国抓住这个机会来结束黑暗者的控制。)
14、They fret that if the likes of Apple and Google come to control such data platforms, these new intermediaries will seize a big chunk of their profits.(他们担心苹果和谷歌这类科技公司控制了作为中介的数据平台,他们一大部分利润将会被瓜分掉。)
15、So, she decided to seize back control and take a pair of clippers to the remainder of it.(所以,她决定抓住最后的掌控机会,为最后的一点头发准备了一把剪子。)
16、This is advantageous as regulators generally already have the power toseize control of an institution - so this is not new for either bank supervisors or bank investors.(这是有利条件,因为监管者通常已经有权获得一家机构的控制权,所以,无论是对于银行监管者还是投资者而言,这都不会感到陌生。)
17、But even with a synchronized Map, a thread could sneak in during this process andseize control of the Map.(但是即使有一个同步的Map,线程还是可以在这个过程中潜入,然后夺取对Map的控制权。)
seize control of