1、Unfortunately he didn'tsee eye to eye with his parents and there were always arguments at home.(不幸的是,他和他的父母意见不一致,家里总是吵吵嚷嚷。)
2、These differences have decided that we do notsee eye to eye with each other on many issues. These differences can also lead to misunderstanding and mistrust in each other's strategic intentions.(这些差异导致双方难免在一些问题上存在不同看法,并可能由此产生对彼此战略意图的误解和疑虑。)
3、It is so good that yousee eye to eye with me on this problem.(你在这个问题上的看法与我完全一致,这真好。)
4、Yes, he's a good man. I like him. Although I don't alwayssee eye to eye with him. I still respect him very much.(是的,还不错。我喜欢他。尽管我的观点与他的不尽相同,我还是非常敬佩他。)
5、She and I see eye to eye on most things so I was surprised when she disagreed with me on this issue.(她和我在大多数问题上都看法相同,所以在这个问题上她不支持我让我觉得非常意外。)
6、The W3C XML Schema folks, who I often don'tsee eye to eye with, also want to see this problem solved.(W3CXMLSchema的人们(我不是经常和他们见面)也希望看到这个问题被解决。)
7、I don'tsee eye to eye with you on this issue.(在这个问题上,我不同意你的看法。)
8、About the plan for the excursion we allsee eye to eye with each other.(对于郊游的计划,我们的看法完全一致。)
9、Some sociologists don'tsee eye to eye with it because they believe that a social reform program of any kind could not at all solve the basic problems which arise between affluent and poor classes.(某些社会学家对此不表赞同,因为他们认为任何一种社会改良方案都不能解决贫富阶级之间的根本矛盾问题;)
10、I'm lucky and blessed to have people in my life with whom I really do see eye to eye.(我觉得自己很幸运,因为在我的生活里有一群真心不作伪的好友。)
11、John dislikes talking with his boss. They never see eye to eye on anything.(约翰不喜欢和他的老板沟通。他们向来诸事意见不合。)
12、I don'tsee eye to eye with her on this matter.(在这件事情上我和她意见不一致。)
13、Why did you divorce your husband? B: I didn'tsee eye to eye with him.(你为什么和你丈夫离婚?B:我和他说话不投机。)
14、I don'tsee eye to eye with my wife.(我和我妻子的意见不一致。)
15、Jane: Well, I don'tsee eye to eye with you on this issue.(简:呃,在这个问题上,我不同意你的看法。)
16、Experienced U people read with two eyes, one eye to see the words on paper, the other eye to see the back of the paper. — Gerd.(经验丰富的人读书用两只眼睛,一只眼睛看到纸面上的话,另一只眼睛看到纸的背面。——歌德德。)
17、Max dislikes talking with his boss. They never see eye to eye on anything.(马克斯不喜欢跟他老板讲话,他们对事情的看法从来没有一致过。)
18、Close one eye and squint at the screen with the other eye in order to see which elements pop out and which are fuzzy and which items seem to group together.(眯着另一只眼睛模模糊糊地看屏幕,这样便可以看出来哪些元素突出、哪些元素模糊,以及哪些元素看起来是一组的等。)
19、If you've been spending time debating a subject with your partner that you don't see eye to eye about, you will find you can bury the hatchet and move on.(如果你已经花时间和对方一起讨论,你看不到眼眼有关的主题,你会发现你可以捐弃前嫌,继续前进。)
20、But I don'tsee eye to eye with them and I insist that the secrets behind the magic should not be disclosed.(但是我的看法和他们不一样,我坚信魔术的秘密不该揭露出来。)
21、I don't think Mary willsee eye to eye with John.(我认为玛丽和约翰意见不一致。)
22、Allen didn'tsee eye to eye with Mary.(艾伦没有看到眼睛与玛丽的眼睛。)
23、I don'tsee eye to eye with him.(我跟他说不来。)
24、We don'tsee eye to eye with each other on many things.(我们在很多事情上的观点不一致。)
25、Isee eye to eye with my wife.(我和我妻子意见一致。)
see eye to eye with