
second to none造句

second to none造句

1、New York's energetic nightlife issecond to none.(纽约充满活力的夜生活不亚于任何地方。)

2、Her mark in English translation issecond to none in this class.(她的英语翻译成绩在这个班里是名列前茅的。)

3、China is alsosecond to none in the world!(中国也是世界上首屈一指的!)

4、At Quinta Real Acapulco, guests enjoy savory food with a view that'ssecond to none.(在阿卡普尔科的客人享受美味的食物,一种观点认为,第二没有。)

5、The courage and professionalism of our armed forces aresecond to none.(我军的勇气和敬业精神是世界上首屈一指的。)

6、Young as he is, he issecond to none in business.(尽管年龄小,但他在生意场上不输给任何人。)

7、One of the reasons for this is a rebate programsecond to none.(原因之一,因为这是一种回扣程序无出其右。)

8、In the output of grain, China issecond to none.(在粮食产量上,中国首屈一指。)

9、Our connections with international airlines aresecond to none.(我们同各国际航空公司的关系是首屈一指的。)

10、You asked me to recommend a traveling destination and I do think Bei Hai issecond to none.(你让我给你推荐一个旅游地儿,我想北海是个不二之选。--推荐。)

11、We are allsecond to none!(我们都是首屈一指的!)

12、Not only does he focus on pertinent topics, but his writing ability issecond to none.(他不但精通相关主题,他的写作能力也不输给任何人。)

13、Our scientific research issecond to none.(我们的科学研究不亚于任何人。)

14、Their line of robots issecond to none and I have a very cool one to show you today.(他们的机器人线是首屈一指的,我有一个非常酷,以证明你今天。)

15、Issecond to none in the same profession.(在同行业中首屈一指。)

16、In a variety of pipe fittings, ass fittings cost performance issecond to none.(在各种管件中,铜管件的性能价格比是首屈一指的。)

17、His mark in English issecond to none in the class.(他的英语分数在班上名列前茅。)

18、PetroChina is second only to Exxon, while life assurer China Life issecond to none.(中石油排名仅次于埃克森,而中国人寿则位居行业之首。)

19、Try some of this tobacco. You'll say it'ssecond to none.(请尝一尝这种烟叶,你一定会说它是首屈一指的。)

20、If you want a brief overview of a topic and you want it fast, Wikipedia issecond to none.(如果你想尽快浏览关于一个话题的所有简短观点,Wikipedia就是最好的选择。)

21、Liu Changxing snack variety, issecond to none in the ancient capital of Nanjing.(刘长兴的小吃品种丰富,在古都南京首屈一指。)

22、Like everything at The Wellesley Hotel, dining options aresecond to none.(在韦尔斯利学院的酒店,餐饮选择第二不。)

23、This pen issecond to none .(这只笔不亚于任何别的笔。)

24、She issecond to none among all the graduates.(在毕业生中她是顶呱呱的一个。)

25、Chinese garden architecture issecond to none in artistic style.(中国的园林建筑在艺术风格上不比任何别的国家差。)

26、Wang boasted that he would besecond to none in the coming English contest.(王吹嘘说,在即将举行的英语比赛中他将是第一。)

27、I think that, as a writer, he issecond to none.(做为一名作家而言,我认为他是一流的。)

second to none 基本释义

second to none

英 [ˈsekənd tu: nʌn] 美 [ˈsɛkənd tu nʌn] 

最好的; 顶呱呱