1、It has been revealed that some websites even smokescale down to only 2% to 3%.(据透露有些网站甚至把抽成比例降到只有2%到3%。)
2、The company has begun toscale down its operations in Asia.(这家公司已开始减少在亚洲的业务。)
3、In order to make the micro mote as unobtrusive as possible, the scientists had to find a way toscale down the computer's battery size.(为了让它尽量不引人注目,科学家们必须想方法减少电脑电池的大小。)
4、He is currently trying to make his mind up about whether to step up orscale down the operation.(他现在正在为到底在军事行动上是进是退而做决定。)
5、The latest versions of Obousy's own warp speed modelsscale down energy demands even further, requiring the kind of power output you'd get from converting Jupiter's mass into pure energy.(Obousy的最新版本翘曲速度模型规模降到了前所未有的底部,需要一个木星所含的能量。)
6、We can alwaysscale down the bonuses if we have to.(如果必要,我们随时可以缩小奖金幅度的。)
7、It is indicated by the research that making up driving matrix of MLA-LCD by Orthogonal Block Circulant matrix can make the designscale down from square of matrix dimension to matrix dimension.(研究表明:由正交块循环矩阵构造出的多路寻址驱动矩阵的实现复杂度由原来的与矩阵的阶数平方成正比下降为与矩阵的阶数成正比。)
8、This core has been kept small, allowing Geronimo toscale down to the smallest devices.(这个核心已经保持得很小,这使得Geronimo可以压缩到最小的设备中。)
9、One of the key tenets of the Cloud is Elasticity, which is the ability to scale out andscale down on demand.(云的重要原则之一就是伸缩性,它可以按照客户需求提供资源。)
10、If one canscale down all dimensions to, let us say, one tenth, the average lengths of the current-paths will be reduced to one tenth. And the speed of operation will be scaled up 10 times.(如果人们能把所有尺寸缩小,比如说,减小到原来的1/10,那么电流路径的平均长度也将减小到1/10,操作速度因而就会按比例提高10倍。)
11、Well, why don't we sit down and work out the Numbers? We can alwaysscale down the bonuses if we have to.(好,为什么我们不可以坐下来,算一算钱数?如果必要,我们随时可以缩小奖金幅度的。)
12、If the level of infiltration or our casualties increase while we are trying toscale down the fighting, it will be the result of a conscious decision by the enemy.(如果渗透的标准或我们的人员伤亡增加同时我们将会设法按规定的比例减小战争,这将是一个敌人有意识决定的结果。)
13、If youscale down your test environment, you will have to scale up your results to approximate the Numbers for the production environment.(如果您缩小测试环境,那么您必须扩大结果以取得生产环境中的近似数字。)
14、The break-down of law and order could result in killing on a massive scale.(法律和秩序的崩溃可能会导致大规模的杀戮。)
15、This model canscale down to 10-100 employee value-added reseller (VAR) type of companies.(这个模型所适用的规模也可以是拥有10—100雇员的增值二手商(VAR)公司。)
16、Since the bailout funds came from taxpayer dollars, it's easy to see how some would want toscale down bonuses at the rescued Banks.(由于援助资金源自纳税人缴纳的税款,所以有些人非常希望缩减获救银行的奖金数量。)
17、Is there a way toscale down the story and still deliver something of value to the customer in the current release?(是否能够通过某种方法缩小用户描述,同时仍然能够在当前发行版中为用户交付一些价值?)
18、We are going toscale down the number of trees being felled.(我们要减少待砍伐树木的数量。)
19、When I am designing traffic light circuit, discovery should usescale down circuit. And be circuit of 5scale down, ask everybody to help me search seek a data. Thank.(我在设计交通灯电路的时候,发现要用到分频电路。并且是5分频电路,请大家帮我找找资料。谢谢。)
20、In some cases, these organizations canscale down while providing access to the same data.(有些情况下,这些组织在访问相同数据时可以缩小规模。)
21、The meanings of resolution and scale are similar, but scale is usually comprehended as multiple ofscale down, and resolution as behaving power of detail or precision.(比例尺与分辨率是两个相似的概念,但比例尺通常被理解为缩小倍数,而分辨率则通常被理解为细节表现力或精细度。)
22、scale down Expectations.(降低期望值。)
23、One factory has had toscale down its workforce from six hundred to only six.(一家工厂已不得不把工人总数从600裁减到仅剩6人。)
24、Organizations developing simpler applications or that are willing to assume increased risk mayscale down some aspects of this ideal environment.(开发简单一些的应用程序或愿意假定风险是逐步增加的组织可以按比例地缩小这个理想的环境的某些方面。)
scale down
英 [skeil daun] 美 [skel daʊn]
按比例缩小; 按比例减少