
sale price造句

sale price造句

1、The auctioneer charges a commission, which is a percentage of thesale price.(拍卖商收取销售价格一定比例的佣金。)

2、Is this thesale price?(这是特价后的价格吗?)

3、The talks could regain momentum if RBS showed flexibility on thesale price, people familiar with the situation said.(知情人士表示,如果RBS在售价上展现出灵活性,谈判有可能重新出现契机。)

4、They say that too little of thesale price is being assigned to the Rangers, which belongs to HSG, and too much to the land, which does not.(他们表示游骑兵队(隶属于HSG集团)订出的售价太低,而土地(不属于HSG集团)订出的售价太高。)

5、Thesale price to Metro was not disclosed, but Wal-Mart says it will take a one-time charge of 1 billion on completion.(变卖给Metro的价格没有公开,但是沃尔玛方面称相对于其买入价亏了10亿欧元。)

6、Highersale price of commodity houses cause commercial house overstock along with the development of real estate.(随着房地产业的兴起,商品房屋的销售价格较高,从而导致商品房屋的积压。)

7、In fact, the averagesale price of a single-family home in Jackson Hole is more than one million dollars.(事实上,杰克逊山洞的一个单一家庭的住房售价平均高达一百万美元。)

8、Couldn't you still sell it today at thesale price?(今天能不能还以打折的价格卖给我啊?)

9、And retailers are smart to show the original price alongside thesale price than show thesale price alone.(零售商也很聪明:他们把原始价格挨着销售价格标示,而不是仅仅标示销售价格。)

10、Community Selling: Any seller can donate part of theirsale price to a nonprofit.(社区出售:任何卖家能够捐赠他们销售收入的一部分给非营利组织。)

11、Thesale price is 50% of the normal price.(减价销售价格是正常价的50%。)

12、They are also likely to command a highersale price once established there.(一旦在那里站住了脚,他们的转会费就更高了。)

13、To figure it out, they put up nearly identical listings — same title, samesale price — distinguished only by their Giving Works status.(为了得出结论,他们列出了几乎一样的清单——相同的题目,相同的价格,唯一区别就是有没有这个小丝带。)

14、A minimum of 3% commission on thesale price.(销售价格最少3%的佣金。)

15、They subtract this loan balance from thesale price and you get cash to buy another house.(他们从售房价格里减去这个贷款余额,然后你就可以得到现金去买另一个房子。)

16、Once you've decided on asale price, then you can see what they'll give you for your old car.(一旦你在对方的卖价上做出决定,那你就能看到他们在你的旧车上究竟会给你什么。)

17、I really like this dress, but I want to pay thesale price.(我真的很喜欢这条裙子,但是我希望用折扣的价钱购买。)

18、The survey was based on Land Registrysale price statistics and updated with valuation data gathered from surveyors.(这项调查是基于土地注册处发格统计表而得出,随调查者收集计价数据手机而进行更新。)

19、If a discounted price is taken from a price list, then by default that figure is shown as thesale price to the customer.(如果从一个价格表中产生了折扣,那么,默认的那个数将作为销售价格显示给客户。)

20、Fair value is an asset's purchase orsale price in a current transaction between willing parties.(展览会价值是资产的购买或售卖在乐意的宴会之间的一个现在的交易价格。)

21、But how can you get a goodsale price and make that sale in quick time?(但你怎能卖得好,销售价格及销售做出快速的时间?)

sale price 基本释义

sale price

英 [seil prais] 美 [sel praɪs] 
