
rise above造句

rise above造句

1、Temperatures will notrise above zero tonight.(今天夜间的温度不会高于零度。)

2、Hedge funds may be able torise above these costs; small investors will not.(对冲基金的增长可能可以超过这些成本增长;小投资者则不然。)

3、And indeed, at no point does the Fed project that core inflation willrise above 2%.(而事实上,美联储没有任何理由认为核心通胀增长会高于2%。)

4、For in revery you cannotrise above your achievements nor fall lower than your failures.(因为在虔敬中,你们不可能升腾得比你们的成就更高,也不可能跌落得比你们的失败更低。)

5、Bears worry that unemployment willrise above the level assumed in the stress tests.(熊市又表示失业率会超过压力测试预计的水平。)

6、The alien who lives among you willrise above you higher and higher, but you will sink lower and lower.(在你中间寄居的,必渐渐上升,比你高而又高。你必渐渐下降,低而又低。)

7、The biggest crime in England is torise above your station.(在英国,最为严重的犯罪莫过于不受你所处地位的影响。)

8、Porter wanted to do something and his mother was certain that he couldrise above his limitations.(波特想做些事,母亲也相信他能冲破身体的局限。)

9、It proved to me, early on, that I couldrise above anonymity and achieve remarkable things.(很早的时候它就向我证实,我可以不再默默无闻,而是可以获得非凡成就。)

10、I try torise above prejudice.(我尽力摆脱偏见。)

11、That big high-rise above us is where Brian lives.(我们头顶上那幢巨型高层建筑就是布赖恩的住处所在。)

12、To this day, no building in Florence mayrise above the dome.(时至今日,在佛罗伦萨没有任何一栋建筑高过这个圆顶的。)

13、But they were brilliant and innovative enough torise above it.(但是他们运用自身卓越的智慧和革新精神战胜了困难,获取了胜利。)

14、We still have the imaginative capacity torise above temptation and reverse the high-speed trend.(我们仍然有想象力让我们不受诱惑的影响,并得以扭转高速的发展趋势。)

15、If theyrise above 5%, your bond can still be sold but usually at less than face value.(如果利率超过了5%,你的债券虽然仍可以出售,不过价格通常要低于票面价值了。)

16、Tell-tale wisps of grey smokerise above the tree cover to point the way.(屡屡的灰烟飘荡在上空指向工厂的方向。)

17、She had the courage and determination torise above her physical disability.(她有战胜自身残疾的勇气和决心。)

18、Surely we canrise above every difficulty, though it will be struggling.(尽管过程艰难,我们也一定会克服所有的困难。)

19、The company is determined torise above from the ruins once more to success.(东方汽轮机公司决心在地震废墟中站起来。)

20、Giantrise above fear.(巨人们超越恐惧。)

21、When you do things for the joy of It, you'llrise above problems, and move easier through life.(如果你从所做的事情中得到快乐,你就会高于问题,使生活变得更加容易。)

22、It tells the story of an aspiring young man's attempt torise above the squalor of the street.(它讲述了一个有志青年试图超越其街头穷困生活的故事。)

23、With the help of her teacher, Helen Keller had the courage and determination torise above her physical disability.(在老师的帮助下,海伦·凯勒有了勇气和决心战胜自身的生理障碍。)

24、Stockmarkets might be able torise above the problems of the credit markets.(股票市场可能会在信贷市场出现问题时上升。)

25、Even through hardships, Poe managed torise above, to keep trying, and to still love others.(即使遭遇艰难,坡依然能够设法振作起来,坚持不懈地尝试,并仍有能力去关爱他人。)

26、They receive poor education on average, but many are able torise above that.(虽然说他们普遍接受的教育都很一般甚至是很差,但是他们中的许多人都有能力取得进步。)

rise above 基本释义

rise above

克服; 不受 ... 的影响; 出类拔萃