


1、She brought him, unasked, therelevant file.(她主动把有关案卷带给了他。)

2、The library houses lots of unpublished documents that arerelevant to your topic.(图书馆藏有许多未出版的文件资料,都和你的课题有关。)

3、This process improves access torelevant information, without old memories interfering.(这个过程完善了访问相关信息的途径,而不受以往记忆的干扰。)

4、One involves physiological changesrelevant to memory.(一种是与记忆相关的生理变化。)

5、I tried googling but couldn't find anythingrelevant.(我试着用搜索引擎检索,但找不到任何相关信息。)

6、The response conveys somerelevant information, but is clearly incomplete or inaccurate.(该答复传达了一些相关信息,但显然该答复是不完整或不准确的。)

7、Education should be closelyrelevant to students' needs.(教育应该与学生的需要紧密相关。)

8、For ease of reference, only therelevant extracts of the regulations are included.(为便于参阅,只收录了相关条例的摘录。)

9、Our final study is from 1980, but it's stillrelevant today.(我们的最后一项研究是1980年的,但它仍然与今天息息相关。)

10、Moreover, I completed the senior course of Computer Basics, plus fiverelevant pre-college courses.(此外,我完成了计算机基础的高级课程,加上五门相关的大学预科课程。)

11、Available in English, French, German and Italian, it has links to otherrelevant tourism sites.(它有可供阅读的英文、法文、德文和意大利文版本,也有通向其它相关旅游网站的链接。)

12、He refused to comment before he had seen all therelevant information.(在看到全部相关资料之前,他拒绝评论。)

13、Please summarize the information by selecting key features and making comparison where isrelevant.(请通过选择关键特征并比较相关的地方来总结信息。)

14、Maybe you could approach some other departments as well, you know,relevant ones.(也许你也可以联系其他部门,你知道,相关的部门。)

15、This means that they have norelevant foundations.(这意味着他们没有相关的基础。)

16、He has decided to prosecute her after careful consideration of all therelevant facts.(他仔细考虑了所有相关事实后,决定起诉她。)

17、Copies of therelevant documents must be filed at court.(有关文件副本必须送交法院备案。)

18、Because if I won't be implying those things, my response would not berelevant.(因为如果我不暗示这些东西,我的回应就不相关了。)

19、You must query the buttons directly to getrelevant information.(您必须直接查询按钮以获取相关信息。)

20、One important maxim is simply: berelevant.(这里其实涉及到一项简单的准则:要具有相关性。)

21、Government should also draftrelevant regulations as soon as possible.(政府也应尽快起草相关法规。)

22、All therelevant records are easily available ready to hand.(所有相关记录都在手边,用起来很方便。)

23、Do you have therelevant experience?(你有相关的经历吗?)

24、Give reasons for your answer and include anyrelevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.(请为你的答案给出理由,并将您自己的知识或经验中任何相关的例子包括在内。)

25、To get grants and jobs, you have to berelevant and achieve some level of public recognition.(为了获得资助和工作,你必须有相关性,并获得一定程度的公众认可。)

26、The key is to weaverelevant personal anecdotes into your writing.(关键是要编织有关的个人轶事到你的写作中。)

27、If arelevant and important idea occurs to you now, work it into the draft.(如果你现在想到了一个相关且重要的想法,把它写进草稿里。)

28、When you were finished writing, did you go back and ask yourself if all of the material wasrelevant?(当你写完的时候,有没有回头看看并问问自己是不是所有资料都是相关的?)

29、I thought the topic I work on was very interesting, and it is certainlyrelevant to my linguistics major .(我觉得我研究的课题很有趣,而且它和我的语言学专业也很相关。)

30、Knowing as muchrelevant information as possible can help us avoid making arbitrary decisions.(尽可能多地了解相关的信息可以帮助我们避免作出武断的决定。)

relevant 基本释义


英 [ˈreləvənt] 美 [ˈrɛləvənt] 

副词: relevantly
