
relative size造句

relative size造句

1、This implies a gradual shrinking of therelative size of its current-account surplus.(这也意味着它现金账户规模的逐渐减小。)

2、relative size of the inner planets of the solar system (from l-r) : Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. New research supports the idea that Mars owes its small size to its relatively rapid formation.(太阳系内部行星的相对体积(拍自1-r):水星、金星、地球和火星。)

3、A wife is never larger than a husband, but arelative size might be presumed.(妻子永远不会比丈夫大,但可能推测其相对的大小。)

4、Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man(相对于6英尺(2米)男子的大小)

5、Through analyzing relative factors of effecting radial internal clearance and effecting degree to matching, so thatrelative size parameters were controlled, matching quality was raised.(调心滚子轴承配套时,受多种因素影响,通过对影响径向游隙的相关因素进行分析,来判断其影响程度,以便控制相关尺寸参数,提高配套质量。)

6、relative size - Objects that are farther away look smaller.(相对大小-越远的物体看起来越小。)

7、The largest financial firms will be required to build up their capital and liquidity buffers, constrain theirrelative size, and place restrictions on the riskiest financial activities.(该法案要求最大的金融机构设立他们的资本金和流动性缓冲,限制他们的相关规模,并且对于风险最大的金融活动予以限制。)

8、The IMF calls the collapse of the Banks the biggest banking failure in history relative to the size of an economy.(IMF认为相对经济规模而言,冰岛的银行崩溃是一个国家所遭遇过的最大的一次银行危机。)

9、In birds, the olfactory ratio is therelative size of the bulb compared with that of the brain's cerebral hemispheres and is usually expressed as a percentage.(在鸟类里,嗅觉度便是相当于嗅球对比于鸟类前半脑的体积,并且常常用百分比表示。)

10、The seat chair cover of the automobile is made with the specialized lace, and with an outstanding style. also is provided therelative size for the car with lateral protection gasbag fixture.(汽车座椅套以专用花边布料量身制作,与众不同。也可以给带侧保护气囊的轿车提供配套。)

11、On definingrelative size of rupture scales, a statistical result shows that it is of the lowest probability that ruptures with the same scale occur in two successive cycles.(根据定义的相对破裂规模,统计表明:两相继轮回的破裂规模相同的概率最小。)

12、Too often founders and investors fight over therelative size of their slice of the pie.(常常见到公司创建者和投资者为了各自手中馅饼的比例而争执。)

13、Volume size and cost of installation of a better correlation, therelative size of size, volume size includes the vertical size factor.(体积尺寸与安装工程造价相关性更好,相对面积尺寸,体积尺寸还综合了竖向尺寸因素。)

14、Its close relative, the Colossal Squid, may grow too much greater sizes, as evidenced by the size of sucker marks on sperm whales.(它的近亲,大王乌贼可能长得更大,抹香鲸身上的吮吸痕迹就是证据。)

15、Together, the results suggest that the two abilities - to precisely identify small Numbers and to estimate therelative size of large Numbers - have deep roots in our evolutionary history.(总的来看,研究结果似乎表明,准确判定两个较小数字的大小的能力以及估计出两个较大数字的大小的能力,可以在动物进化历程中追溯到很久以前。)

16、Depending upon the load placed on the server and therelative size of the entity bean that has been requested, queries on entity beans can have sub-par response times.(根据服务器上的负载和所请求实体bean的相对大小,实体bean的查询可能有不达标的响应时间。)

17、The legacy of not one but two lost decades has saddled Japan’s future generations with a debt whoserelative size is unprecedented in the OECD.(“失去的二十年”(而非“失去的十年”)之遗产,已使日本未来的世代背负上了沉重的债务,其相对规模之大,在经合组织中前所未见。)

18、The pixel density of an iPhone is much greater than a desktop monitor, allowing small text to be read somewhat more easily and somewhat changing therelative size of images.(iPhone的像素密度比桌面电脑显示器要高得多,便于阅读小文本或更改图像的相对尺寸。)

19、One important predictor of heart disease that the study did not assess, Dr. Sniderman said, was therelative size and number of LDL particles in the bloodstream.(斯奈德曼说,此次研究并没有评估心脏疾病的一项重要预测指标,即血液中LDL颗粒的相对大小和数量。)

20、The more popular method is to set your font-size for the whole document, then, base everything on arelative size from there.(一个更通用的方法是在为整个文章设置字体大小,然后从那儿将每个部分字体以一个相关的大小为基础。)

21、But relative to the size of countries' populations, the current growth is far from unusual.(但相对这些国家人口规模,眼下增长并不足为奇。)

22、This question often turns on whether the manufacturer produces a commodity product or a proprietary one and therelative size of the parties.(这一问题经常表现为供应商是否制造商品产品或一个所有权产品,以及当事各方的相对规模大小。)

23、You can define the space between views, align the edge of views, define therelative size of two views, or even define a view's aspect ratio.(你可以定义视图件的间隔,视图边界的对齐,定义两个视图之间的相对尺寸,甚至定义一个视图的长宽比。)

24、Relative to the size of its economy, China’s intervention is small in both years, and smaller in 2010 than in 2006.(相比于经济规模,中国的干预规模算是小的,而且2010年的量还小于2006年。)

25、You can have as many stretchable sections as you want: theirrelative size stays the same, so the largest sections always remain the largest.(你可以有尽可能多的可伸缩区域:它们的相对长宽将保持相同,因此最大的片段将总是最大的。)

relative size 基本释义

relative size

英 [ˈrelətiv saiz] 美 [ˈrɛlətɪv saɪz] 
