
reduce to造句

reduce to造句

1、People should eat less fat to reduce the risk of heart disease.(人们应该少吃脂肪以减少患心脏病的风险。)

2、Here you have three variables that you willreduce to two by figuring out what the surface is.(而空间中存在三个变量,需要了解曲面是怎样的,然后去掉一个变量。)

3、They drew up and executed a plan to reduce fuel consumption.(他们制订并实施了一项降低燃料消耗的计划。)

4、The company must reduce costs to compete effectively.(公司要有效地参与竞争必须降低成本。)

5、We could afford to reduce defence spending in peacetime without excessive risk.(在和平时期我们可以减少国防开支而并不引起风险增加。)

6、He finally corrected his misstatement and offered to reduce the fee.(他最终纠正了自己的错误说法,提出要减少费用。)

7、We must take preventive measures to reduce crime in the area.(我们必须采取预防措施来减少这个地区的犯罪。)

8、The pistons are graphite-coated to reduce friction.(活塞表面涂有石墨以减少摩擦。)

9、In a large skillet, place rice, meatless grounds, water, taco seasoning, tomatoes and beans and bring to a boil. Cover andreduce to simmer for 20 minutes.(在一个大平底锅中均匀放入全素饼胚、大米、水、墨西哥风味调料、番茄和腰豆,将它们一起煮;待烧开后盖上锅盖调小火炖20分钟。)

10、What may be done to reduce the influence of intractable opponents?(可以做些什么来削弱难以对付的对手们的影响呢?)

11、The packets are measured to reduce waste.(测量包裹尺寸以减少浪费。)

12、Although there is a traditional view for how these processes work, it's not a requirement of the architecture for map andreduce to behave this way.(虽然这里存在一个这些过程如何工作的传统视图,但是它不是map和reduce体系结构所需要的。)

13、There are some big areas that we are exploring but they basicallyreduce to better compiler technology, better GC, better data structures, and better type system.(我们一直在研究一些很大的领域,这些研究能够改良编译器技术,改良垃圾收集器,发现更好的数据结构以及类型系统。)

14、Last year, Starbucks partnered with Core 77 and others to run the Betacup Challenge, a crowd-sourced design contest toreduce to-go cup waste.(去年星巴克联合Cord77联合举办了“Betacup挑战赛”,旨在征集减少一次性杯子浪费的方案。)

15、This should help (to) reduce the pain.(这个应有助于减轻痛楚。)

16、If you pass a function in c, a value that it's not expecting bad things happen and bad things generallyreduce to segfault.(如果你在C中传递一个函数,一个没有预料的情况将会出现,这个情况通常是段错误。)

17、100,000 federal workers will be laid off to reduce the deficit.(10万名联邦工作人员将被解雇以减少赤字。)

18、If a density is uniform then, of course, the density gets out and you can simplify andreduce to that if all the points are equally likely.(如果一个密度是常数,密度可以提出来,如果所有点是平权的,那就可以简化了。)

19、While performance concern needs always toreduce to a specific measurement, useful thinking about XPath performance requires a bit of context.(虽然性能测量总是需要缩小至一种特定的测量方法,但是对XPath性能的思考需要一些上下文。)

20、If this tool is used in development stage, we canreduce to resolution when issues are encountered in production.(如果在开发阶段使用这个工具,我们可以缩短解决生产环境中遇到的问题的处理时间。)

21、We all need to look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint.(我们都需要寻找减少我们碳足迹的办法。)

22、The government is looking to reduce inflation.(政府正在力求降低通货膨胀率。)

23、These sunglasses are designed to reduce glare.(这些太阳镜是为减少刺眼的强光而设计的。)

24、The government's primary concern is to reduce crime.(政府的头等大事是减少犯罪。)

25、This can sometimes cause predicates toreduce to the constant values true or false, allowing the entire location path to be simplified.(有时这可能使谓词减少到常量值true或false,允许简化整个位置路径。)

26、But I don't think all forms of human willreduce to, like examples of that scenario.(但我不觉得所有人类的形式都会简化,就像那个剧本里的例子一样。)

27、If you remove the punctuation, allreduce to 10 digits, which is easy to recognize as using the regex \d{10}.(如果删除标点符号,所有电话号码都减少到10位,这样在使用regex\d{10}时十分易于识别。)

28、And we have a 35-hour work week that we canreduce to 28 hours.(我们一周工作35个小时,现在可以减到28小时。)

29、Other industries have had to sack managers to reduce administrative costs.(其他行业已不得不解雇管理人员来减少管理成本。)

30、reduce to calculate the average salary for a partition; this is run server-side on each partition.(reduce用于计算某个分区的平均工资;它在服务器端的每个分区上执行。)

reduce to 基本释义

reduce to

英 [riˈdju:s tu:] 美 [rɪˈdus tu] 

降至; 把 ... 简化为