1、So, while tobacco use is rising globally, the epidemic of tobacco-related disease and death has yet toreach its peak.(因此,尽管全球烟草使用在日益增多,但烟草相关疾病的流行和死亡尚未达到顶峰。)
2、The highest mountain on earth is Mt. Qomolangma. All mountaineers consider it as the greatest prize in life toreach its peak.(地球上最高的山峰是珠穆朗玛峰。所有登山运动员都把爬上其峰顶视作是人生的最大收获。)
3、It's as if he had to let his vision reach its most insanely illogical peak before it produced something truly remarkable.(这是因为,如果他让他的视力达到最疯狂不合逻辑的高峰期之前,制造了一些真正非凡。)
4、It was fun to see a team that built around a core of players finallyreach its peak and chase the 72 win record.(看到围绕这些球员建队的球队终于迎来了全面的爆发,然后去追逐72胜的记录,这也非常有趣。)
5、Also, perhaps more importantly, China's labor age group of the 15-64 years old willreach its peak in 2013, and then start to decrease.(另外,也许更重要的是,中国15-64岁的劳动力人群数量将会在2013年达到顶峰,然后开始衰减。)
6、The crystallinityreach its peak when the content of epoxy is 1%, with the increase of epoxy resin content, the crystallinity of nylon 11 alloy decreases.(环氧树脂用量为1%时,尼龙11共混合金体系的结晶度最大,此后随着环氧树脂的加入,尼龙11结晶度随之降低。)
7、So either the reported coal reserves are unreliable and larger than reported or Chinese coal production willreach its peak soon and start to decline.(所以煤储量的报告并不可信,数量远大于真实储量。或者中国的煤产量将很快达到极限,并开始走下坡路。)
8、If it succeeds in this task, it will be able to do what it must in order to stay alive, toreach its peak before it declines: it must turn from the study of Freud to the study of man.(假如它成功完成这件工作,它将能够做它所必需做的事,为了保持鲜活,为了在它衰微之前,到达它的颠峰,它必须从佛洛伊德的研究,转向对于人的研究。)
9、Good vintage can onlyreach its peak after 12-15 years of aging.(好年份的酒要经过15年才能达到巅峰状态。)
10、Demographers in China will celebrate 2010 as a golden year: the moment when the "demographic dividend" of the past couple of decades willreach its peak.(中国的统计学家会把2010年作为一个黄金年进行庆祝:此时,过去的二十年统计回报将到达到达顶峰。)
11、On average, GDP per person falls by more than 9% from its peak and takes almost two years to reach bottom.(平均人均GDP从峰值下降会超过9%,而且需要花两年时间才能触底。)
reach its peak