


1、Juan satquietly through the telling of this saga.(胡安安静地坐着听完了这个长篇故事。)

2、He walked veryquietly.(他走路很安静。)

3、The truckquietly rolled forward and demolished all the old wooden fencing.(卡车静静地缓慢前行,毁了所有旧木栅栏。)

4、Hequietly intoned several prayers.(他静静地吟咏了几段祈祷词。)

5、He satquietly in the first class cabin of the flight looking tired.(他静静地坐在班机的头等舱内,看上去有些疲惫。)

6、We spokequietly for fear of waking the guards.(我们悄悄说话,以免惊醒警卫。)

7、It was rainingquietly and steadily and there were little pools of water on the gravel drive.(雨正静静地下着,砂砾车道上积了一滩滩的水。)

8、I follow themquietly.(我静静跟着他们。)

9、I'll just sitquietly.(我会静静坐着。)

10、I satquietly, musing on the events of the day.(我静静地坐着,沉思一天中所发生的事。)

11、He was treadingquietly and cautiously.(他蹑手蹑脚地走着。)

12、"This is goodbye, isn't it?" she saidquietly.(“这就算告别了,不是吗?”她轻声地说道。)

13、"I am a sinful man, Magda," he saidquietly.(“我是个罪人,马格达,”他轻声地说。)

14、The ship's engines throbbedquietly.(船上的发动机有节奏地轻轻震动。)

15、"We wouldn't get in the way," Suzanne promised. "We'd just standquietly in a corner."(“我们不会妨碍你的,”苏珊保证说,“我们就在角落里安安静静地站着。”)

16、Autumn has comequietly!(秋天已经静悄悄地到来了!)

17、They only sleepquietly.(她们只是静静睡觉。)

18、She layquietly, enfolded in his arms.(她静静地躺在他怀里。)

19、She spoke in aquietly melodious voice.(她说话轻声细语,甜美悦耳。)

20、She waitedquietly with her hands in her lap.(她双手放在大腿上静静地等候。)

21、We live veryquietly and we'll live morequietly.(我们安安静静地过日子,将来的日子还要更加安静地度过。)

22、I spent a few hoursquietly relaxing.(我怡然自得地轻松了几个小时。)

23、Time has disappearedquietly.(时间已悄然流逝。)

24、quietly I leave, just as Iquietly came.(我安静地离开,正如我安静地来。)

25、Then, Iquietly laughed.(然后,我静静地笑了。)

26、He sat there ever soquietly.(他静悄悄地坐在那儿。)

27、We talkedquietly so as not to be overheard.(我们低声交谈,以免别人听到。)

28、Again, Murphy hadquietly outmanoeuvred him.(墨菲又一次在暗中智胜了他。)

29、The home team kept quiet, stuck to their game plan, andquietly racked up the points.(主队不动声色,坚守他们的制胜战术,悄悄地得分。)

30、He went awayquietly.(他安静地离开了。)

quietly 基本释义


英 ['kwaɪətlɪ] 美 [ˈkwaɪətlɪ] 
