1、His was a harmlessquest for things that don't exist.(他是无害的寻求者,找寻根本不存在的东西。)
2、Let us harness the magic of football in ourquest for development and peace.(让我们利用足球的魅力来追求发展与和平。)
3、What is yourquest?(您的要求是什么?)
4、If you're here fromquest For Balance welcome!(如果你现在在看寻求平衡,那么欢迎!)
5、The solitude of thisquest weighs on the man.(这个追求的孤寂使这个男人很苦恼。)
6、I have not faltered in myquest for a new future.(我对崭新未来的追求未曾犹豫过。)
7、There is the New York of the person who was born somewhere else and came to New York inquest of something.(是这些人的纽约,他们出生在其他地方,来到纽约是为了寻找某种东西。)
8、Ogun was a former Rouster likequest before turning evil.(奥贡在变邪恶之前曾是像quest这样的码头工人。)
9、In "The Song of the Wandering Aengus," I talked about the kind of flickering passion and the fire in the head that sends Angus out on hisquest.(在《流浪者安古斯之歌》里,我讲了促使安古斯追逐的那种燃烧的激情和头脑里的火焰。)
10、You must finish thequest.(你必须结束你的寻求。)
11、Oprah: Isn't the truequest to be free?(欧普拉:这不是真正寻求自由?)
12、It is indeed because he loves them with the same passion and each time with his whole self that he must repeat his gift and his profoundquest.(这确实是因为他怀有同样的激情,每次全身心地爱他们,正是因为如此,他必须重复着他的天赋和他深邃的追求。)
13、Thequest for growth lets loose new anxieties and economic conflicts that disturb the social order.(对增长的追求释放了新的焦虑和经济冲突,扰乱了社会秩序。)
14、Myquest for a better bank continues.(我继续在搜寻一家更好的银行。)
15、That's because thequest for a unified theory that would account for all the forces of nature has pushed current mathematics to its limits.(这是因为,对能解释所有自然力量的统一理论的追求已经把目前的数学推到了极限。)
16、You should not be afraid to aim high in thequest for an improvement in your income.(在寻求收入提高方面,你应该敢于给自己设定高的目标。)
17、They are using a new prospecting method toquest for oil.(他们正在采用一种新的勘探方法寻找石油。)
18、Contrary to the general impression, thisquest for import relief has hurt more companies than it has helped.(与人们的普遍观念相反,寻求进口救济对企业来说弊大于利。)
19、She chronicled herquest on her blog, "Not an activist."(她在她的博客上记述了她的追求:“不是一个积极分子。”)
20、He set off inquest of adventure.(他出行探险去了。)
21、Hisquest for perfection is relentless.(他对完美的追求是不懈的。)
22、It will be an ongoingquest. Wish me luck.(在这条路上,我还要继续前行着,祝我好运吧。)
23、The artist, Varvara Shavrova, brings an unusual perspective to this seemingly paradoxicalquest.(艺术家娃尔瓦拉·沙妩诺从独特的视角出发来观察这个看起来矛盾的探索过程。)
24、Becky responded to his call, and they made a smoke-mark for future guidance, and started upon theirquest.(贝基响应了他的号召,他们熏了一个烟标,作为今后引路的标志,开始了他们的探索。)
25、The establishment seems to be off on anotherquest for fool's gold.(该机构看似又要重蹈覆辙。)
26、As a nation, we may be overfunding thequest for unlikely cures.(作为一个国家,我们可能过度投资于寻找不太可能的治疗方法。)
27、Make it part of yourquest for better health.(让它成为你对健康追求的一部分吧。)
28、Fishing is seen here, as in the earlier poem, as an image ofquest and an image of desire.(和早期诗歌中一样,渔夫在这里被视为代表探索和欲望的形象。)
英 [kwest] 美 [kwɛst]
名词: quester 过去式: quested 过去分词: quested 现在分词: questing 第三人称单数: quests