1、Within this structure, it's easy topull up discussion threads just by typing something after /topics/.(在此结构中,只需在/topics/后面输入某个内容即可容易地收集讨论线程。)
2、At any time you can double-tap a word topull up the correction window for it.(任何时刻,你都可以双击一个单词,将其拉入校正窗口。)
3、You might be waiting a while for one of these topull up at the local bus stop.(或许你正在当地汽车站等待这么一辆车停下来。)
4、Justpull up an imaginary spoon.(只要拿出一个虚构的勺子。)
5、This willpull up a list of the different shows you’ve recorded.(这会拉出你所录制的各个节目的清单。)
6、The tutor hopes that he willpull up his bad habits in his study.(老师希望他纠正学习上的不良习惯。)
7、Don't try topull up the plant!(别拔那棵植物!)
8、Justpull up the menu, scroll down and select About Phone, then select Status.(只要拉起菜单,向下滚动,选择关于手机,然后选择状态。)
9、We could hear her friendspull up to the curb.(我们可以听见她的朋友拉住缰绳。)
10、Yet when theypull up fire engines are surrounding the office complex.(可是当他们在办公室所在的复合式建筑外停下车时,建筑的周围都是消防车。)
11、Even easier,pull up a stock chart: Microsoft shares trade below their levels an entire decade ago.(即使早期来分析微软的股票图表,其股票交易也低于他们整整十年前的水平。)
12、I can dig andpull up weeds, and do whatever you tell me.(我可以挖和拔杂草,做你告诉我的任何事。)
13、He waited several minutes for a car topull up alongside.(他等了几分钟等一辆车停靠在旁边。)
14、"Having said that, " Obama added, "brothers shouldpull up their pants."(奥巴马补充说:“像说过的那样,兄弟们应该提上裤子。”)
15、shall he notpull up the roots thereof, and cut off the fruit thereof, that it wither?(鹰岂不拔出它的根来,芟除它的果子,使它枯乾,使它发的嫩叶都枯乾了吗。)
16、When Ipull up just the vibrations are enough to set me off.(如果震动太强,要触动我了,我就把车停到路边。)
17、Let mepull up a chair for you.(让我给拉把椅子。)
18、It's a longpull up to the summit.(登上山顶要攀爬很久。)
19、The hook reached the water, and the man tried topull up the hook .(吊钩到了水里,那人就试着去把它拉上来。)
20、Let me go ahead andpull up this little example here.(我再说下这个小例子。)
21、"Now,pull up with your right arm," she advised.(“现在用你的右胳臂拽自己上去,”她给我出主意。)
22、pull up your shirt.(拉起你的衬衫。)
23、I can, from my computer at home,pull up satellite images of Juan's village.(我可以从家里的电脑上调出胡安所在村庄的卫星图像。)
24、A little digging willpull up some good online information.(略微在线挖掘一下,就会拨出一些好消息。)
25、pull up that settle to the fire.(把那张长靠椅搬到火边。)
26、Suddenly, police carspull up along side the truck.(突然,警车开到了货车的旁边。)
27、Whole bricks were attached to it by ropes wrapped around the drum. No wonder itwas hard topull up.(铁鼓与几块砖头被绳索紧紧绑在一起,难怪那么难拉上来。)
28、I thenpull up the Amazon Music Store and download some romantic tunes for tonight.(然后我打开亚马逊音乐商店并为今晚下载一些浪漫的乐曲。)
pull up
英 [pul ʌp] 美 [pʊl ʌp]