1、You pull through to the spot in front so that when you return to thecar you can drive forward out of the parking spot.(你将车开进前面的车位以便返回时可以向前开出停车位。)
2、Not to bore you with the details, but we drop to under 10,000 feet and pull open the forward cabin door.(就不跟你讲那些惹人烦的细节了,最后我们跌到10000英尺以下,打开了机舱前门。)
3、The video shows a car with tinted Windows pull into a parking space, shortly followed by Lincoln in a leather coat, arm pointed forward with a gun.(视频显示一辆带浅色窗户的汽车驶入了停车位,不久lincoln走入摄像机的拍摄角度,穿着一件皮外套,手臂向前伸出,手中拿着一把枪。)
4、Shortening your stride will prevent your feet from landing in front of your body, which causes the muscles of your lower leg, specifically your knees and shins, to have to pull your body forward.(缩短你的跨步可以防止你的脚在你身体前方着地,这也是你的小腿,尤其是膝盖和胫部的肌肉把你身体拉向前的原因。)
5、The forward-backward difference can not only detect the static and motion regions but also detect the 3-2 Pull-Downed movie sequences.(对于检测到的电影序列,则进行32下拉恢复处理,输出电影模式的逐行扫描帧;)
6、Rather than pull back from the world, we need to press forward and renew our leadership.(我们不应减少对世界事务的参与,而是需要奋勇向前,继续发挥领导作用。)
7、In the cockpit, I push the throttle forward and pull the yoke back until we fly high enough.(我回到驾驶舱里,开大节流阀加速,将“舵杆”向后拉,直到飞得足够高。)
8、This change in polarity causes the magnetic field in front of the train to pull the vehicle forward, while the magnetic field behind the train adds more forward thrust.(这种极性的变化导致列车前方牵引列车前进的电磁场,同时列车后面的电磁场加上了更多的向前推力。)
9、This paper demonstrates a novel ZCT push-pull forward boosting power supply's main circuit. It analyzes the main circuit's principle and calculates the auxiliary circuit's parameters.(介绍了一种新颖ZCT推挽正激软开关升压电源主电路,对该主电路工作原理进行了详细分析,并对辅助谐振电路参数进行公式推导。)
10、Once you are in the parking space, move forward or backward to fit within the pavement markings or to allow room for the vehicle in front or behind you to pull out.(一旦进入停车位,向前或向后移动,完全停入路面标线或是为前后车留出驶出车位的空间。)
11、Maintain some weight toward the ball of your front foot and use your front thigh to pull your thighbone upward out of your front knee, allowing your front shin some slight forward movement.(保持一定的重量在你的前脚球,用你的前大腿拉股骨向上离开前面的膝关节,让你的前侧胫骨轻微的向前运动一些。)
12、When you are ready to go further, don't forcefully pull yourself into the forward bend, whether your hands are on the feet or holding the strap.(当你准备进一步伸展时,不要用力拉身体进入前屈,不管你的手是握脚掌还是有绳子。)
13、A novel pushpull forward converter is proposed and its principle is analyzed.(介绍了一种新颖的正激推挽变换器。)
14、So we must pull our study forward and deeply, reflecting and pumping it on the level of philosophy, so that we can give our people a principle of understanding this new social formation.(因而,我们必须在哲学的层面上加强对知识经济的追问和反思,以便给予人一个思想上的支点。)
15、But it is true. Sometimes you have to pull back and regroup before you can make meaningful forward progress.(而事实的确如此,在你做出有意义的行动之前,有时你必须退出并重组。)
16、The first stage is pushpull forward converter, and the second stage is a dual buck inverter(DBI).(该静止变流器前级采用推挽正激式变换器,后级采用双降压式逆变器。)
17、Next, pull on both lines which will allow the nose to rotate forward and unroll through the lines so you can fly off.(下一步,拉双线,这将让机头向内翻转并随线解绕,这样你就可以飞离了。)
18、Keep the plate close to you and pull up your chair so that you don't have to lean forward.(让盘子靠你近些,拉好椅子以便你不会倾身向前。)
19、The control of pull invariable tension has been put forward, the tension has been analysed, the system model has been established.(对拉伸张力控制提出了复合控制方案,进行了张力分析,建立了系统模型。)
20、He caught a telephone pole next to the road, since a desperately want to stop, but can not, at two feet to pull him away from the poles, continued to go forward.(他一把捉住路旁边的电线杆,拼命想让自个停下来,但是不可,两只脚一下把他拉离了电线杆,持续朝前走。)
21、Each day, you're doing a little more, producing a little more, learning a little more.The accomplishments of days past propel you forward and the promises of the days ahead pull you along.(每天,你多做一点点,多生产一点点,多学习一点点,你的成就推动你前进,你的承诺鞭策你走远。)
pull forward