
pull down造句

pull down造句

1、It is easier topull down than to build up.(拆房容易盖房难。)

2、We can type in or usepull down selection for the "JSP input type".(对于“JSPinputtype”的设置,我们也是既可以直接输入,也可以从下拉列表中选择。)

3、It isn't something you buy now and then orpull down from the cupboard, dust off and use once or twice, and then return to the cupboard.(它不是你偶尔买来,从架子上拿下来,抹去灰尘用上一两次然后又放回到架子上的东西。)

4、They even blame Jews for the decision topull down a statue of a Turul, a mythical falcon-like bird that had been illegally erected in Budapest.(他们甚至因犹太人决定推倒非法树立在布达佩斯的一座长相像鹰的神鸟雕像而责备他们。)

5、If youpull down the combination (combo) box, you'll see that you can store the output property in several different scopes, such as parameter or session scope.(如果您拉下这个组合框,您将会发现您能够把输出属性存储在几个不同的领域,比如参数或者话路领域。)

6、I always have this wicked urge topull down their pants when I see this "look".(当我看到这些人,我忍不住想把他们的裤子拉下来。)

7、OK, Donald canpull down a Mary. Now he needs to make her stay.(好样的!唐纳德成功地引来一只雌鸟,现在,他需要想办法留住她!)

8、And he said, This will I do: I willpull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods.(又说,我要这么办。要把我的仓房拆了,另盖更大的。在那里好收藏我一切的粮食和财物。)

9、The Ajax functionality pulls only the records in view so that it doesn't have topull down everything locally.(Ajax的功能是仅拖动视图中的记录,这样就不必把所有记录下载到本地。)

10、That’s hard to swallow in an industry where “a buck” is code for $1 million, and where top producers canpull down 20 or 30 “bucks” a year, or even more.(很难想象一个行业里,一头雄鹿意味着1百万美元,那些顶层的高管们得到20或30头雄鹿一年,甚至更多,除非你在华尔街工作。)

11、The falling birth rate and growing popularity of overseas educations have combined topull down the number of people competing to get into China's universities.(人口出生率的下降以及越来越多的人出国留学,共同导致了参加高考人数的减少。)

12、To customize the way that Bing works,pull down the Extras menu in the upper-right and select Preferences.(为了对必应工作方式进行客户化,拉下右上角的附加菜单然后选择参数。)

13、After selecting the version or operating system from thepull down menu, click Submit.(从下拉菜单选择版本或操作系统后,单击Submit。)

14、Various widgets, such as accordion, LiveGrid, andpull down.(各种小部件,例如折叠(accordion)、LiveGrid和下拉(pulldown)。)

15、Select the bus we created from thepull down list, and then select the corresponding destination, BPEApiQueue_WPSCluster.(选择我们从下拉列表创建的总线,然后选择对应的目的地bpeapiqueue_wpscluster。)

16、I do not know whether the bronze bust of Pushkin erected in the corner of Shanghai street would suffer from the destiny of destroy andpull down again.(上海街头的这尊普希金铜像还会不会再遭到破坏和摧毁的命运呢?)

17、Richard, can youpull down your pants?(理查德,你能脱下你的裤子吗?)

18、pull down your pants, whispered the pastor.(“把裤腿放下来。”牧师小声说。)

19、If youpull down the notification bar, it will display the current ASU as well as the high and low since the app was started.(如果你向下拉提示条,它将会展示当前时刻的ASU和应用启动后asu的最高和最低值。)

20、A number of the IBM extensions are executable queries that can be found under the Query Browserpull down menu.(有几个IBM扩展是可执行查询,可以在Querybrowser下拉菜单中找到。)

21、Love thy neighbour; yet don'tpull down your hedge.(去爱你的老街坊;但别拆了篱笆墙。)

22、Jobs could open and close Windows,pull down menus, and see how the system would work.(乔布斯可以打开和关闭窗口,下拉菜单,观察系统如何运行。)

23、They can help youpull down the basket or tie the balloon to the ground car until you are ready to fly.(他们可以帮你拉下篮子,或者把气球系在地上的汽车上,直到你准备好起飞。)

24、pull down the data type URI (URL) combo box, and select the same data type that you defined in the source portlet.(拉下DataTypeURI(url)组合框,选择与您在这个源portlet中相同的数据类型。)

25、Love your Neighbour; yet don'tpull down your Hedge.(邻居可相爱,篱笆不能拆。)

26、From thepull down menu that displays, select the WSSecurity default policy set.(从显示的下拉菜单中选择WSSecuritydefault策略集。)

27、From thepull down menus, select _kerberos for Service and _tcp for Protocol.(在下拉菜单中为Service选择_kerberos,为Protocol选择_tcp。)

28、Michael continues trying topull down on the pipe, but it won't budge.(Michael继续试图撬动那条管道,但是根本没用。)

pull down 基本释义

pull down

英 [pul daun] 美 [pʊl daʊn] 

拉下; 拆毁