
public sentiment造句

public sentiment造句

1、Only now are technology andpublic sentiment aligning to truly shift the responsibility of collecting goods and services to the consumer.(只有到了现在,技术和公众情感才真正的抛弃了挑拣商品这样的客户服务。)

2、public sentiment toward South Korea improved, however, with33% of those polled saying they feel friendly, up 1.5 percentage points.(不过,公众对韩情绪有所改善,33%的受访者说他们对韩感觉友好,上升了1.5个百分点。)

3、Not surprisingly—consideringpublic sentiment on banking—the companies that dropped off the list this year included ING Direct (ING) and Barclays Bank (BARC:LN).(不出意外-考虑到民众对银行的情绪-今年榜上下滑的公司包括INGDirect(ING)和Barclays银行(BARC:LN).)

4、Berlusconi seized the moment by understandingpublic sentiment and its revulsion with the status quo.(贝鲁斯科尼通过理解公众的意见和对现状的强烈厌恶抓住先机。)

5、public sentiment is against any change to the law.(公众的意见是反对对该法律作任何修改。)

6、This was how Russia helped turnpublic sentiment against Bakiyev.(俄罗斯就是如此扭转公众情绪来对抗巴基耶夫的。)

7、public sentiment on whaling, for and against, is anaemic.(民众在捕鲸问题上的反应,不管是支持还是反对,都并不活跃。)

8、Therefore, the Internetpublic sentiment has become an inevitable social phenomenon and the management of it has become more urgent.(所以,网络舆情已经成为一种必然的社会现象,对于舆情的管理也随之成为必然。)

9、Uncertainty surrounding the damaged nuclear power plants are also weighing heavily onpublic sentiment.(还有损坏的核电站周围一些不确定性因素也在考验着人们的情绪。)

10、The uniqueness of well educated young students makes them the major and indispensable components of the Internetpublic sentiment.(而高校学生和青年知识分子年龄的独特性使得他们成为网络舆情不可或缺的主体构成。)

11、Kim says, givenpublic sentiment, it is very difficult to even discuss the free trade deal.(他说,考虑到公众情绪,目前就连讨论这项协议都很困难。)

12、There is strongpublic sentiment on the question of unemployment.(公众对于失业有着强烈的情绪。)

13、The retailers might figure out that they should offer special deals to loyal customers, or launch finely tuned marketing efforts in response to changes inpublic sentiment.(这些零售商家就可以制定其应该为忠实客户提供哪些定制交易,或者发出微调的营销效应以响应公众趣味的改变。)

14、They largely failed in their attacks on capitalism and Wall Street—and their tactics turnedpublic sentiment against their cause.(他们很大程度上都是在金融行业和华尔街上失手的人,而且他们的策略是运用工种情绪来对抗这种导致他们示例的原因。)

15、To what extent does the newspaper control and to what extent is it controlled bypublic sentiment?(报纸在多大程度上可以操纵公众的情感?又在多大程度上为公众情感所操纵?)

16、This wouldn't happen if conventional channels were ubiquitous and ifpublic sentiment and opinion were mediated in a timely manner.(如果常规渠道四通八达,如果民情民意平时就能得到及时疏通,何至于此。)

17、What it lacks in resources SEPA tries valiantly to regain by appealing topublic sentiment.(对于在资源上的缺乏,环保总局正在积极设法通过唤起公众关注的方式收回来。)

18、public sentiment rapidly turned anti-American.(公众的情绪迅速转向反美。)

19、Public opinion andpublic sentiment are a pair of concepts, which have some similarities and differences and therefore it is necessary to analyze their relationships.(舆论和舆情是一对从属概念,两者既有共同点又有差异性,必须对两者进行必要的关系辨析。)

public sentiment 基本释义

public sentiment